not medical device
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not medical device

Hello, Amazon considered that my product belongs to a special medical device. For one month, I sent a lot of information that it is not in the 510K database, instructions and so on. To no avail. If there is someone from Amazon on the forum, please help me. It is a simple massager, it is not found in the 510K database, many are sold on Amazon. I don't know what else to prove.CaseID: 16562251231

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Tags:Account Health, Deactivated
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If you say something in your listing like that this device helps in case of this or that disease or pain, the bots will conclude it's a medical device. So, eventually it's the wording in your listing and not the product itself that causes the suspension.

If you didn't send any inventory, just take a new UPC from GS1 and create a new listing. First sell FBM to test.

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