Read onlyI have a item that i recently launched that just received a 1 star review on but the review refers to a different item and even has an image of a different item then mine. After reaching out to seller support I keep getting the same blanket response "We encourage customers to share their opinions, whether they are positive or negative." I am basically told there is nothing I can do because its a verified purchase and people are able to leave reviews based on their opinions. Here are images of my product vs the review. The review shows a plastic zipper case for comic books and my item is a metal locking case for trading cards. I assume the buyer mistakenly left the review on my item for another item he purchased. Anyone know of any other steps i can take? Asin- B0DJ7ZVL73
Hi @Seller_t5Af7JT4MOwCt- Danny wrote an in depth article aboutremoving product reviews here that you can check out!
Thats what happens to small listings. They make it impossible to fix small issues and you are stuck having to deal with things they will never fix
@Joey_Amazon can you take a look at this? i see you have helped with issues in the past.
@Danny_Amazon can you help with this? i see that you have dealt with issues like this in the past