Requesting MOD help
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Requesting MOD help

Requesting MOD help. We have been trying to get resolution for Case 16045438571. We have supplied all of the requested invoices, we don’t understand what exactly the internal team is looking for. They most recently requested multiple invoices that are not even connected to this missing shipment. We need some guidance as to what exactly they are objecting to with the invoices we have provided. They are not being clear, and they keep closing the case. This shipment had everything in one case, they have reimbursed for 2 units due to warehouse lost, what happened to the remaining 81 units? Please help, this has impacted our business operations significantly.

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Tags:FBA, Fulfillment center, INR (item not received), Lost shipment
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Hi @Seller_3niOTG31LGoaL,

I appreciate you following up on this shipment! In case you haven't already seen, please know that I have responded to you over in your original thread about this situation right here. If you have any additional questions or need further assistance with this case, please continue to utilize that thread.

Please kindly note that it is against Community Guidelines to post multiple threads about the same topic/issue. Since this is a duplicate post, I will be closing this thread.

Thank you for your understanding!


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