@Jameson_Amazon Please help to solve this issue.
Our shipment stuck in transit and we are loosing sales every day. The status doesn't change nor the estimated delivery date. Our seller rating dropped like a comet.
Case ID-16564776761 (Got a message that my shipment new estimated delivery date is November 18-th. This is devastating. )
I hope Amazon employees on this forum can help us and expedite the delivery process.
Shipment ID- FBA18CKTNG3Q
Amazon Reference ID- 3NM4R8XK
Thank you,
Hello @Seller_zohDl7JS3bLPR Thanks for checking in with the forums about that issue.
If you have questions about AGL, there is an event taking place now where we are reviewing questions about this program.
@Jameson_Amazon Please help to solve this issue.
Our shipment stuck in transit and we are loosing sales every day. The status doesn't change nor the estimated delivery date. Our seller rating dropped like a comet.
Case ID-16564776761 (Got a message that my shipment new estimated delivery date is November 18-th. This is devastating. )
I hope Amazon employees on this forum can help us and expedite the delivery process.
Shipment ID- FBA18CKTNG3Q
Amazon Reference ID- 3NM4R8XK
Thank you,
@Jameson_Amazon Please help to solve this issue.
Our shipment stuck in transit and we are loosing sales every day. The status doesn't change nor the estimated delivery date. Our seller rating dropped like a comet.
Case ID-16564776761 (Got a message that my shipment new estimated delivery date is November 18-th. This is devastating. )
I hope Amazon employees on this forum can help us and expedite the delivery process.
Shipment ID- FBA18CKTNG3Q
Amazon Reference ID- 3NM4R8XK
Thank you,
Hello @Seller_zohDl7JS3bLPR Thanks for checking in with the forums about that issue.
If you have questions about AGL, there is an event taking place now where we are reviewing questions about this program.
Hello @Seller_zohDl7JS3bLPR Thanks for checking in with the forums about that issue.
If you have questions about AGL, there is an event taking place now where we are reviewing questions about this program.
Hello @Seller_zohDl7JS3bLPR Thanks for checking in with the forums about that issue.
If you have questions about AGL, there is an event taking place now where we are reviewing questions about this program.