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Account deactivated due to inform consumer act and stuck on identity verification reverify


I am here to share the issue i am facing since 17 December my account deactivated due to inform consumer act verification since the day my account is deactivated i have no option to submit the documents to adderess the issue as you can see attached screenshot when i click on identity verification its taking to get help page this is my 2nd time to open the thread to address the issue as i am not getting response from mods here on my previous messages,

I am also reaching out to support team via call but unfortunately they dont have anything to say just only saying we have forwarded your issue to internal team and they will get back to you soon and they never till now,

As 1st i was suggested to share my identity documents through the case ID which i have done and was able to verify my documents successfully but account is still deactivated and when i reach out again through the case id they are sending auto replied and sometime says you are unable to verify the documents ok got it but how did they verify at 1st when i shared ?

As i can see other seller also faced same issue but they were not taken down immediately as me atleast they had timeline to address the issue but I didn’t get anything like timeline or any notice period to address this verification now its more than 2 weeks i am not getting any response from internal team about my on going issue my funds are hold inventory is standard in fba warehouse,

I am not sure when they will fix this glitch there is no window or any upload option to submit identity documents all i can see since 2 weeks identity verification reverify only.

Can you please help me to solve this issue?






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Account deactivated due to inform consumer act and stuck on identity verification reverify


I am here to share the issue i am facing since 17 December my account deactivated due to inform consumer act verification since the day my account is deactivated i have no option to submit the documents to adderess the issue as you can see attached screenshot when i click on identity verification its taking to get help page this is my 2nd time to open the thread to address the issue as i am not getting response from mods here on my previous messages,

I am also reaching out to support team via call but unfortunately they dont have anything to say just only saying we have forwarded your issue to internal team and they will get back to you soon and they never till now,

As 1st i was suggested to share my identity documents through the case ID which i have done and was able to verify my documents successfully but account is still deactivated and when i reach out again through the case id they are sending auto replied and sometime says you are unable to verify the documents ok got it but how did they verify at 1st when i shared ?

As i can see other seller also faced same issue but they were not taken down immediately as me atleast they had timeline to address the issue but I didn’t get anything like timeline or any notice period to address this verification now its more than 2 weeks i am not getting any response from internal team about my on going issue my funds are hold inventory is standard in fba warehouse,

I am not sure when they will fix this glitch there is no window or any upload option to submit identity documents all i can see since 2 weeks identity verification reverify only.

Can you please help me to solve this issue?






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can you please tag the active mods who can assist me with my on going issue since 17 December 2024 with no updates from internal team for my account i am not having option to submit identity documents as you can see the attached screenshot the option identify verification reverify always direct me to the help page side when i click on it i am keep following up with support team via call as well but unfortunately no progress or any update available with my issue i am not sure how long i have to go through this.

Case ID: 16880847951


@Seller_rI7BZIczK8iAC 😔

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Hello @Seller_w9TPy0I0aWHqI,

Thank you for your post.

We are closing this duplicate thread.

Please create only one topic per question. Creating multiple threads for the same question causes confusion and disruption to the forums, potentially taking longer for you to get the answer you are seeking.

You may continue the discussion in your original topic, thank you.


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Account deactivated due to inform consumer act and stuck on identity verification reverify


I am here to share the issue i am facing since 17 December my account deactivated due to inform consumer act verification since the day my account is deactivated i have no option to submit the documents to adderess the issue as you can see attached screenshot when i click on identity verification its taking to get help page this is my 2nd time to open the thread to address the issue as i am not getting response from mods here on my previous messages,

I am also reaching out to support team via call but unfortunately they dont have anything to say just only saying we have forwarded your issue to internal team and they will get back to you soon and they never till now,

As 1st i was suggested to share my identity documents through the case ID which i have done and was able to verify my documents successfully but account is still deactivated and when i reach out again through the case id they are sending auto replied and sometime says you are unable to verify the documents ok got it but how did they verify at 1st when i shared ?

As i can see other seller also faced same issue but they were not taken down immediately as me atleast they had timeline to address the issue but I didn’t get anything like timeline or any notice period to address this verification now its more than 2 weeks i am not getting any response from internal team about my on going issue my funds are hold inventory is standard in fba warehouse,

I am not sure when they will fix this glitch there is no window or any upload option to submit identity documents all i can see since 2 weeks identity verification reverify only.

Can you please help me to solve this issue?






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Account deactivated due to inform consumer act and stuck on identity verification reverify


I am here to share the issue i am facing since 17 December my account deactivated due to inform consumer act verification since the day my account is deactivated i have no option to submit the documents to adderess the issue as you can see attached screenshot when i click on identity verification its taking to get help page this is my 2nd time to open the thread to address the issue as i am not getting response from mods here on my previous messages,

I am also reaching out to support team via call but unfortunately they dont have anything to say just only saying we have forwarded your issue to internal team and they will get back to you soon and they never till now,

As 1st i was suggested to share my identity documents through the case ID which i have done and was able to verify my documents successfully but account is still deactivated and when i reach out again through the case id they are sending auto replied and sometime says you are unable to verify the documents ok got it but how did they verify at 1st when i shared ?

As i can see other seller also faced same issue but they were not taken down immediately as me atleast they had timeline to address the issue but I didn’t get anything like timeline or any notice period to address this verification now its more than 2 weeks i am not getting any response from internal team about my on going issue my funds are hold inventory is standard in fba warehouse,

I am not sure when they will fix this glitch there is no window or any upload option to submit identity documents all i can see since 2 weeks identity verification reverify only.

Can you please help me to solve this issue?






6 replies
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Account deactivated due to inform consumer act and stuck on identity verification reverify

by Seller_w9TPy0I0aWHqI


I am here to share the issue i am facing since 17 December my account deactivated due to inform consumer act verification since the day my account is deactivated i have no option to submit the documents to adderess the issue as you can see attached screenshot when i click on identity verification its taking to get help page this is my 2nd time to open the thread to address the issue as i am not getting response from mods here on my previous messages,

I am also reaching out to support team via call but unfortunately they dont have anything to say just only saying we have forwarded your issue to internal team and they will get back to you soon and they never till now,

As 1st i was suggested to share my identity documents through the case ID which i have done and was able to verify my documents successfully but account is still deactivated and when i reach out again through the case id they are sending auto replied and sometime says you are unable to verify the documents ok got it but how did they verify at 1st when i shared ?

As i can see other seller also faced same issue but they were not taken down immediately as me atleast they had timeline to address the issue but I didn’t get anything like timeline or any notice period to address this verification now its more than 2 weeks i am not getting any response from internal team about my on going issue my funds are hold inventory is standard in fba warehouse,

I am not sure when they will fix this glitch there is no window or any upload option to submit identity documents all i can see since 2 weeks identity verification reverify only.

Can you please help me to solve this issue?






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can you please tag the active mods who can assist me with my on going issue since 17 December 2024 with no updates from internal team for my account i am not having option to submit identity documents as you can see the attached screenshot the option identify verification reverify always direct me to the help page side when i click on it i am keep following up with support team via call as well but unfortunately no progress or any update available with my issue i am not sure how long i have to go through this.

Case ID: 16880847951


@Seller_rI7BZIczK8iAC 😔

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Hello @Seller_w9TPy0I0aWHqI,

Thank you for your post.

We are closing this duplicate thread.

Please create only one topic per question. Creating multiple threads for the same question causes confusion and disruption to the forums, potentially taking longer for you to get the answer you are seeking.

You may continue the discussion in your original topic, thank you.


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can you please tag the active mods who can assist me with my on going issue since 17 December 2024 with no updates from internal team for my account i am not having option to submit identity documents as you can see the attached screenshot the option identify verification reverify always direct me to the help page side when i click on it i am keep following up with support team via call as well but unfortunately no progress or any update available with my issue i am not sure how long i have to go through this.

Case ID: 16880847951


@Seller_rI7BZIczK8iAC 😔

user profile

can you please tag the active mods who can assist me with my on going issue since 17 December 2024 with no updates from internal team for my account i am not having option to submit identity documents as you can see the attached screenshot the option identify verification reverify always direct me to the help page side when i click on it i am keep following up with support team via call as well but unfortunately no progress or any update available with my issue i am not sure how long i have to go through this.

Case ID: 16880847951


@Seller_rI7BZIczK8iAC 😔

user profile

Hello @Seller_w9TPy0I0aWHqI,

Thank you for your post.

We are closing this duplicate thread.

Please create only one topic per question. Creating multiple threads for the same question causes confusion and disruption to the forums, potentially taking longer for you to get the answer you are seeking.

You may continue the discussion in your original topic, thank you.


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Hello @Seller_w9TPy0I0aWHqI,

Thank you for your post.

We are closing this duplicate thread.

Please create only one topic per question. Creating multiple threads for the same question causes confusion and disruption to the forums, potentially taking longer for you to get the answer you are seeking.

You may continue the discussion in your original topic, thank you.


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