Amazon please stop the Refund on 1st scan, we are a 100% FBM seller, No Prime. We have had a massive amount of returns over the last few months of False Claim of Defective, Damaged in shipping or Seller Sent Wrong Item claims. Very rarely a claim of Buyer ordered by mistake, Rare for a buyer to take responsibility for ordering wrong item, always blaming the sellers. Most are hoping sellers will just fold and and issue a refund and not want to deal with return of items. That is a scam and buyers are learning that they can get away with it, no repercussions from Amazon.
The Refund on 1st Scan is the worst, all of these Defect Claims, Wrong item sent and Returning item used and damage or customers returning old parts and keeping our new parts or returning it MATERIALLY DIFFERENT condition. Currently 90% of those claims we have found are false. Then we have to take time to take pictures file the Safe-T claim, if we are lucky we might get the return label cost the 1st round, then we have to appeal 2-3 times to get anywhere taking extra time that at some point is more time than items are worth. The 1st scan is killing 3rd party seller. If Amazon would give 3rd party sellers 48 hours from delivery scan to either make the refund or report a major issue to Amazon, if sellers dont handle in 48 hours then I see no problem with Amazon issuing the refund to buyers. That way sellers could immediately take care of buyer false claims and returns that are wrong instead of having to fight Amazon Safe-T team that only job is to find anyway they can to deny a claim. Give sellers back their chance to save time and our money from those that are bad actors here on Amazon. Even if the buyer tries to fight with A-Z claim the seller has already got the item back and can provide pictures to Amazon to prove sellers side for why a Restock fee was charged.
I hope we can get some involvement on this and Moderators can see this and maybe move it up the ladder to policy department and get this fixed since it is truly damaging to sellers bottom end. I know Amazon really does not care about individual sellers and this is not going to make us pack up and leave Amazon but it would be great if Amazon would do something to support its 3rd party sellers instead of throwing dirt in our faces and forcing us to keep digging our way out.