Amazon please stop the Refund on 1st scan, we are a 100% FBM seller, No Prime. We have had a massive amount of returns over the last few months of False Claim of Defective, Damaged in shipping or Seller Sent Wrong Item claims. Very rarely a claim of Buyer ordered by mistake, Rare for a buyer to take responsibility for ordering wrong item, always blaming the sellers. Most are hoping sellers will just fold and and issue a refund and not want to deal with return of items. That is a scam and buyers are learning that they can get away with it, no repercussions from Amazon.
The Refund on 1st Scan is the worst, all of these Defect Claims, Wrong item sent and Returning item used and damage or customers returning old parts and keeping our new parts or returning it MATERIALLY DIFFERENT condition. Currently 90% of those claims we have found are false. Then we have to take time to take pictures file the Safe-T claim, if we are lucky we might get the return label cost the 1st round, then we have to appeal 2-3 times to get anywhere taking extra time that at some point is more time than items are worth. The 1st scan is killing 3rd party seller. If Amazon would give 3rd party sellers 48 hours from delivery scan to either make the refund or report a major issue to Amazon, if sellers dont handle in 48 hours then I see no problem with Amazon issuing the refund to buyers. That way sellers could immediately take care of buyer false claims and returns that are wrong instead of having to fight Amazon Safe-T team that only job is to find anyway they can to deny a claim. Give sellers back their chance to save time and our money from those that are bad actors here on Amazon. Even if the buyer tries to fight with A-Z claim the seller has already got the item back and can provide pictures to Amazon to prove sellers side for why a Restock fee was charged.
I hope we can get some involvement on this and Moderators can see this and maybe move it up the ladder to policy department and get this fixed since it is truly damaging to sellers bottom end. I know Amazon really does not care about individual sellers and this is not going to make us pack up and leave Amazon but it would be great if Amazon would do something to support its 3rd party sellers instead of throwing dirt in our faces and forcing us to keep digging our way out.
You won't find very many, if any, sellers who disagree with anything you've said. However, we all know this will never happen. Anything to please the customer is Amazon's goal.
I have a nearly 100% success rate on SAFE-T claims, you need to be clear and concise in your claim and provide good pictures. Highlighting the problem. I've had switcheroo returns 100% reimbursed. I've received back money on countless claims for "Wrong return code used" for return postage.
Just keep to the facts and organize the claim based on short concise bullet point like sentences.
Exactly On point and perfectly stated.
I am a low volume Amazon seller, and my return percentage is also low, but almost every return is the scenario you describe, where the buyer is lying to get the postage label paid for. Even more aggravating to me are the buyers who file the return and then never send the item back. I am assuming they were hoping for a refund and to keep the item, but then were going to stick me with the return postage anyway.
Sadly, this leaves with me a bad taste in my mouth for Amazon's customer base, and as a result most of my volume has been transitioned to another site where the customers seem to have a little more integrity.
If it looks like scam/bs/stupid return cancel the return and message customer policy for returning item then when they send it it will not be RFS and you can apply proper restocking or address damages or any other issues during your return you may still need to fight later but this saves lots of time.
no moderator here yet, and there won’t be any because everyone can agree to this.
I agree with everything you have stated, been selling on amazon for 15 years, and the problem is getting worse. Just to add to your statement, products returned stuffed, dirty, used and missing parts. What I really hate is customers that use the item for the time needed during the 30 days, then want a full refund utilizing a false return code. I file Safe-T claims on all, and yes, we do win most. However, the time involved is defeating. Letting the Seller have control back for refunds would eliminate most of the problem. The end result would be the same from honest Sellers. I also purchase a lot on Amazon, and have never needed amazon to resolve a problem with my purchase.
Amazon is trying to socialize all their scammer friendly practices using our money.
I had a retail business claim that the modem I sent them didn't work. Took them over 3 weeks to open the return. I reassured them that it did in fact work, and encouraged them to contact me and I would help them set it up.
Return shows up at my door, its the same model, but different serial number and had a athletic tape with a password on the back.
But the power adapter was completely different. I shipped them a 12Volt adapter, they shipped back a 5Volt. Of course it won't work. I don't know if they had a customer come in with a defective modem, ordered mine, sold it to the customer and then shipped theirs back. The business used to be a huge chain, and I think most people would be surprised they are still in business
Amazon's RFS program is the biggest promoter of online return fraud in the country. The cost is so large, Amazon will not give out the numbers.
Amazon does have a Buyer Violation Prevention Team that gets paid big bucks, does not open their mouth publicly. No body knows they exist or what they do.
I could solve the issue with one sentence placed at the top of the page when a buyer selects to return an item.
NOTE! Buyers who abuse the return system by returning new items as used, selecting the wrong return reason, or returning a different item other than received, will have their buying privileges terminated.
Then when sellers submit the Safe-T claim, terminate the buyer. So what if Amazon loses a million or so buyers, there are the ones committing the fraud, get rid of them.
I own a business and do not accept fraud. Jeff Bezos always accepted fraud to make the buyers happy. Well, Jeff Bezos cash out billions last month, so it's time for a change.
All Amazon has to do is give me $10,000, use that sentence, make the Buyer Violation Prevention Team redundant, and start saving money paid out on buyer return fraud.