Read onlyRarely do we ever hop on these forums, but we were asked for feedback and unbeknownst to us we filled an order for a magazine a week ago and the customer cancelled and we had shipped it same day as the order was placed. Now who's on the hook for this? Thought so! NOT Happy we have to eat this cancellation when it was clearly live and okay to ship when we did! Nuff said! Sincerely, Adamsfamiliesbooks
An earlier reponse to this 5 mos. ago... Is this really how Amazon handles these instances? NO nternals to block these events? Hmm..! With ALL the technologies at Amazon's disposal, surely there would be a fix, so as to NOT let the Seller incurr the expense of a return.
"Thank you for reaching out on the Seller Forums, I'm sorry to hear that this happened! I'm just coming across this thread and wanted to check in with you, has there been any updates on this order since posting?"
"For situations like this, you can contact the buyer via the Buyer-seller messaging service and advise them to either refuse the shipment or initiate a return. For more information on order cancellations, I'd recommend reading through this help page."
I"f you have any additional questions or need further assistance with this, please let me know!"
All the best, Jameson
OK, something is off. Once you mark an item shipped, the buyer can no longer cancel the order. You have to check your messages and possible cancellations before you ship and then be sure to upload tracking as soon as you ship