Read onlyHi Sellers,
We're wondering if there would be interest in "just for fun" or more casual conversational threads, within the Seller Forums? We know that sellers share tips and tricks on how to navigate Amazon, but this could be things like:
We want to gauge the community's thoughts, a few questions for you:
Please share your feedback! We're looking to understand the community's interests and needs in this area. Your input is always integral to considerations about changes and enhancements
Thanks in advance for your thoughts!
"Thanks in advance for your thoughts!"
My thought is that Amazon had that years ago in the OLD (BETTER) Forum and Amazon manglement got rid of it.
You could start another one (or resurrect the old one) but be prepared to have it STOPPED by some of the crabby, high octane people above your pay grade by several levels. (Nothing personal on the pay grade mention! 😁😃😆)
Edited to add this -- the original can still be found in Amazon archives if anyone wants a chuckle or 100 ----
This is a joke right? That's what we had here in the old, well functioning forum that was taken away.
I wasn't apart of the old regime of Amazon forums. But I would agree, it would need to be a separate forum. It's nice to have fun but also there are a lot of needs from sellers.
Let's not have those threads get mixed in with fun topics. Some of us have real issues that still aren't addressed. @Dominic_Amazon
Neither was any intended :-) so much "sensitivity" these days....
I have to ask for clarification purposes, wouldn't that be against this "new" forum's guidelines?
Seller Forums Guidelines
"To create and provide an inclusive and welcoming community for all, we request that you follow the general posting guidelines listed below. Violations of these guidelines, other terms and conditions, or Program Policies may result in the suspension or removal of your Seller Forums posting privileges.
Content that demonstrates no relevance to selling in Amazon’s store...."
I mean, we're people and we're cool with this, but if we wanted fun conversation I think we'd just go to Reddit, Twitter, Threads, or what not.
Looking back at the last few years, the forum's biggest values to most people is prob: 1) an alternate path of escalation for a dysfunctional seller support system, 2) a place for noobs to ask basic questions and get helped through the roasting fires, and 3) an emotional dumping ground for when they perecived Amazon's systems have failed them (and honestly Amazon should take note of how people are systematically failing and what are the common edge cases).
Having a fun community is good 'n all, but I think that's really what would best serve the community's needs.
Food for thought: fun conversations is pretty low priority on the hiearchy of needs when people's livelihoods are at stake and a few decisions away from Amazon shutting their hero listing or store down. If people were selling and having a good time, they would naturally translate some of that cognitive surplus here "just for fun".
Imagine if the forum was THE destination to properly troubleshoot every person's issues and grievances here, everyone would come here as the go to spot, have fun and make sh-t posts while waiting for their cases to resolve... wouldn't that be a nice win-win situation hmmm?
Sure! Things get a little too intense sometimes.