I filed a DMCA counter-notice more than 16 days ago
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I filed a DMCA counter-notice more than 16 days ago

I filed a DMCA counter-notice more than 16 days ago.

I am now waiting for Amazon's response. At first, I was told that the response would not take more than 16 days. Unfortunately, Amazon has not yet sent a response regarding the counter-notice.

It has been more than 10 days, I have neither received any proof of lawsuit against me nor my listing has been reinstated,

Please let me know when Amazon will respond regarding the counter notice and when my listing will be reactivated.

asin : B0CNQF642J

Complaint ID : 14639021251

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Hello there @Seller_3bCCQOru1EFr2

My name is CR and wanted to hop in here to see if you still needed some assistance here.

I had a chance to take a quick look at your account and see an active case #15115254751 opened with Seller Support where they have responded to you within the last day. Please continue to follow along within this case for further updates.


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