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3rd Party Seller Offering Counterfeits on my Listing

Greetings, this is a follow up to my previous post about a 3rd party seller offering counterfeits.

I am looking for some advice regarding this.

I am dealing with a 3rd party seller based in China on of my brands listings that is selling a counterfeit subpar version of my product. I have done a test buy and have CONFIRMED the products are indeed a counterfeit version of what I am selling. I even took side by side photos showing the differences.

The price of the product is nearly 50% off of the original and I keep having to drop my price in order to try to keep the buy box, preventing buyers from receiving a counterfeit version of the product offered. I don't want bad reviews on my product that will PERMANENTLY stay there, even after this seller is gone (according to what I read on the forums).

This seller even has a review on their seller store that a customer left on their account saying that they sold them a fake version of the product, but it was s̶l̶a̶s̶h̶e̶d̶ out by Amazon's AI and says "This was fulfilled by Amazon".

Every time I try to contact seller support I am told to "report a violation" via Brand Registry. I am unable to report them because my trademark is considered pending with the USPTO.

The furthest I got with seller support was them telling me to email "" with information that I am unable to provide, such as a "notice complaint ID" and "3P Sellers' email". I don't where to get this seller's email as the only information I have is an extremely long Chinese name and an address I can not read. (If you know where to get this, please let me know)

I had to recently send in ~1,700 units of this product or else face "low inventory fees", just for a hijacker to hop on the listing a few weeks later and steal sales, thus making me waste so much money on storage fees.

This is all extremely frustrating as I am left with no options as far as I know. What should I do? Hire a lawyer? Why should I have to take ALL of the risk up front by making a new product listing, optimizing it, getting photos made, among MANY other things, just for a literal leech to take my sales.

Why is Amazon making it so difficult for me to do anything regarding this, how is this any good for consumers?

Before anyone tells me, yes, the Transparency program would prevent this type of behavior, but I am unable to utilize it as you must have a fully published trademark to use the program.

/end rant

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Best regards.

3 replies
Tags:Materially different products, Product authenticity
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Hello! @Seller_Z1tNGKIfSCq6Y

Thank you for using the Forums. I acknowledge this is not the response you were looking for, but I have confirmed that the information you were provided in this thread is correct.

We rely on Seller-initiated reports to take action on these issues, and actions will be taken accordingly based on the information you provide. Since your trademark is pending, resources available for Brand owners may not be available to you, you have the right to explore options outside of Amazon.

Intellectual Property for Rights Owners

Report Infringement

Thank you for your understanding,


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3rd Party Seller Offering Counterfeits on my Listing

Greetings, this is a follow up to my previous post about a 3rd party seller offering counterfeits.

I am looking for some advice regarding this.

I am dealing with a 3rd party seller based in China on of my brands listings that is selling a counterfeit subpar version of my product. I have done a test buy and have CONFIRMED the products are indeed a counterfeit version of what I am selling. I even took side by side photos showing the differences.

The price of the product is nearly 50% off of the original and I keep having to drop my price in order to try to keep the buy box, preventing buyers from receiving a counterfeit version of the product offered. I don't want bad reviews on my product that will PERMANENTLY stay there, even after this seller is gone (according to what I read on the forums).

This seller even has a review on their seller store that a customer left on their account saying that they sold them a fake version of the product, but it was s̶l̶a̶s̶h̶e̶d̶ out by Amazon's AI and says "This was fulfilled by Amazon".

Every time I try to contact seller support I am told to "report a violation" via Brand Registry. I am unable to report them because my trademark is considered pending with the USPTO.

The furthest I got with seller support was them telling me to email "" with information that I am unable to provide, such as a "notice complaint ID" and "3P Sellers' email". I don't where to get this seller's email as the only information I have is an extremely long Chinese name and an address I can not read. (If you know where to get this, please let me know)

I had to recently send in ~1,700 units of this product or else face "low inventory fees", just for a hijacker to hop on the listing a few weeks later and steal sales, thus making me waste so much money on storage fees.

This is all extremely frustrating as I am left with no options as far as I know. What should I do? Hire a lawyer? Why should I have to take ALL of the risk up front by making a new product listing, optimizing it, getting photos made, among MANY other things, just for a literal leech to take my sales.

Why is Amazon making it so difficult for me to do anything regarding this, how is this any good for consumers?

Before anyone tells me, yes, the Transparency program would prevent this type of behavior, but I am unable to utilize it as you must have a fully published trademark to use the program.

/end rant

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Best regards.

3 replies
Tags:Materially different products, Product authenticity
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3rd Party Seller Offering Counterfeits on my Listing

by Seller_Z1tNGKIfSCq6Y

Greetings, this is a follow up to my previous post about a 3rd party seller offering counterfeits.

I am looking for some advice regarding this.

I am dealing with a 3rd party seller based in China on of my brands listings that is selling a counterfeit subpar version of my product. I have done a test buy and have CONFIRMED the products are indeed a counterfeit version of what I am selling. I even took side by side photos showing the differences.

The price of the product is nearly 50% off of the original and I keep having to drop my price in order to try to keep the buy box, preventing buyers from receiving a counterfeit version of the product offered. I don't want bad reviews on my product that will PERMANENTLY stay there, even after this seller is gone (according to what I read on the forums).

This seller even has a review on their seller store that a customer left on their account saying that they sold them a fake version of the product, but it was s̶l̶a̶s̶h̶e̶d̶ out by Amazon's AI and says "This was fulfilled by Amazon".

Every time I try to contact seller support I am told to "report a violation" via Brand Registry. I am unable to report them because my trademark is considered pending with the USPTO.

The furthest I got with seller support was them telling me to email "" with information that I am unable to provide, such as a "notice complaint ID" and "3P Sellers' email". I don't where to get this seller's email as the only information I have is an extremely long Chinese name and an address I can not read. (If you know where to get this, please let me know)

I had to recently send in ~1,700 units of this product or else face "low inventory fees", just for a hijacker to hop on the listing a few weeks later and steal sales, thus making me waste so much money on storage fees.

This is all extremely frustrating as I am left with no options as far as I know. What should I do? Hire a lawyer? Why should I have to take ALL of the risk up front by making a new product listing, optimizing it, getting photos made, among MANY other things, just for a literal leech to take my sales.

Why is Amazon making it so difficult for me to do anything regarding this, how is this any good for consumers?

Before anyone tells me, yes, the Transparency program would prevent this type of behavior, but I am unable to utilize it as you must have a fully published trademark to use the program.

/end rant

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Best regards.

Tags:Materially different products, Product authenticity
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Hello! @Seller_Z1tNGKIfSCq6Y

Thank you for using the Forums. I acknowledge this is not the response you were looking for, but I have confirmed that the information you were provided in this thread is correct.

We rely on Seller-initiated reports to take action on these issues, and actions will be taken accordingly based on the information you provide. Since your trademark is pending, resources available for Brand owners may not be available to you, you have the right to explore options outside of Amazon.

Intellectual Property for Rights Owners

Report Infringement

Thank you for your understanding,


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Hello! @Seller_Z1tNGKIfSCq6Y

Thank you for using the Forums. I acknowledge this is not the response you were looking for, but I have confirmed that the information you were provided in this thread is correct.

We rely on Seller-initiated reports to take action on these issues, and actions will be taken accordingly based on the information you provide. Since your trademark is pending, resources available for Brand owners may not be available to you, you have the right to explore options outside of Amazon.

Intellectual Property for Rights Owners

Report Infringement

Thank you for your understanding,


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Hello! @Seller_Z1tNGKIfSCq6Y

Thank you for using the Forums. I acknowledge this is not the response you were looking for, but I have confirmed that the information you were provided in this thread is correct.

We rely on Seller-initiated reports to take action on these issues, and actions will be taken accordingly based on the information you provide. Since your trademark is pending, resources available for Brand owners may not be available to you, you have the right to explore options outside of Amazon.

Intellectual Property for Rights Owners

Report Infringement

Thank you for your understanding,


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