Brand Registry: Report a violation has been revoked
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Brand Registry: Report a violation has been revoked

My report of a violation access has been revoked on Brand Registry, even though we haven't reported anything for over a year. We had this issue earlier (Brand Registry Case ID: 12196608301) and access was reinstated.

Today, upon opening Brand Registry, I noticed that the access has been revoked again. I have opened a case on Brand Registry under technical issue with Case ID: 15186059481. We have not received any information on why the access was revoked.

Can a mod please look into this and guide us further. Thanks!


7 replies
Tags:Brand Registry, Intellectual property infringements
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Hello @Seller_8w80u2VmRcqHW,

My name is Dougal from the Community Manager Team and I will take a look at this for you. Thank you for the case ID's. Through my tools and access levels, I can confirm what you have already mentioned here. No complaints submitted in the last 6 months, I reviewed your Account Health Dashboard and Performance Notifications and do not see anything on the surface that shows that report a violation access should be revoked.

The appeals team did respond today stating they are investigating. Since I do not see anything on my end, I will wait for the Appeals team to render their decision and then I may be able to provide more insight..... unless they do find it was an error and turn access back on.

I will check in on the case periodically, but please feel free to let me know the results here if you get them and I haven't responded.

Best, Dougal

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