My Report Violation access has been revoked. We have a Brand Registry for our brand, and we are still getting unauthorized resellers to sell our trademark product on our listing. (They buy our product through our website and resell it at a higher price on our own AMZ listing.)
I can't report those resellers as my access has been revoked. We are also in the process of enrolling in transparency. Is there any way to stop and remove those unauthorized resellers? And how to appeal for my RAV access. Thank you
@Jim_Amazon @Sandy_Amazon @Dominic_Amazon
Hello @Seller_qSQEgPK3Aoxz9,
Thank you for utilizing the seller forums. I hope all is well.
Based off of the information you have provided, I see that you are not able to report the unauthorized sellers who are selling your products without permission.
So we can offer the best guidance, I am transferring your information to a community manager. This way, you will be provided the best support available.
If you have additional questions or concerns, please let us know in this thread.
Best wishes,
Hello @Seller_qSQEgPK3Aoxz9
Thank you for your message and your participation on this forum.
Following up on this thread, does the issue persist ?
If so, have you opened a case with our Seller Support Department, you can do so by clicking: Contact Us