Read only我有一个店铺 有3个产品,被亚马逊标记为农药杀虫剂类产品了,账户状况没有任何标记,也没有绩效通知,邮件通知也没有,现在是不可售的状态,我们开case问了客服,客服说给转相关团队,但是相关团队回复说:这几个产品已经不受限制,已经恢复可售状态了,但是我们后台查看还是显示不可售,前台页面也是不可售,但是前台链接可以正常看到,编辑页面无法编辑,请问这种情况有什么办法可以恢复可售状态吗?
Good Afternoon @Seller_dCns0uczvE8rl,
I wanted to check in on your thread and see if you still required assistance regarding appealing your products flagged as pesticides.
If you have already worked with Selling Partner Support, I’d be happy to start investigating if you could provide me with the case ID.
If the issue is already resolved, please disregard this message and have a wonderful week. Thank you for checking in with us on the Seller Forums and for choosing to sell on Amazon.
Sincerely, Cooper_Amazon