I have been selling a product with six variations for almost a year, consisting of two colors and three sizes.
Previously, my FBA fees were as follows:
- Medium Size: $4.22
- Large Size: $6.21
- Extra Large Size: $7.40
However, three weeks ago, I noticed that the FBA fees for some ASINs have increased, and the values used to determine these rates have changed.
For example:
**Medium Size:**
- Color Grey: Still $4.22
- Color Black: Now $7.64
Both colors have the same dimensions and weight, yet the Amazon system has drastically changed the dimensions and weight for the Black variant without any explanation.
**Large Size:**
- Color Black: Still $6.21 (Product Size Tier: Large Standard)
- Color Grey: Now $13.79 (Product Size Tier: Large Bulky)
Again, both colors share the same dimensions and weight, but the system has altered the classification for the Grey variant.
**Extra Large Size:**
- Both colors remain at $7.40, and this product is classified as Large Standard.
I have contacted support multiple times, but they only send me dimensions that exceed the actual measurements. I need them to accurately remeasure my product and weight it properly, as these changes are incorrect. I’m barely making a profit as it is, and with these incorrect fees, I’m actually losing my investment due to overcharging.
What should I do? Your guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Hi @Seller_VQUlgsvUh6h4p,
Let me share what I found in the help documentation that might explain what's happening and how to address it.
According to the "How do I determine my item package dimensions?" section at Understanding item package weight and dimensions, Amazon uses automated sensors that measure packages "edge-to-edge, including loose material." This could explain why identical products might get different measurements if there are slight variations in packaging.
Since you've already reached out to support without success, here's what you could try next. In the "Submitting your request" section at FBA fees reimbursement policy, Amazon outlines the remeasurement process:
First, download your Monthly Storage Fees report to verify the current weight and dimension data. Then search for "remeasure" in Seller Central to find the remeasurement widget. You'll only need one request per FNSKU - no need to submit separate requests for each order.
A few things to keep in mind:
The help pages mention that you have 90 days from the fee charge date to submit a request, and Amazon needs about 10 days to review it. Also, each FNSKU can only be remeasured twice within 60 days, and you'll need to have inventory available in the fulfillment centers.
For future shipments, you might want to check that your packaging is consistent across all color variants. The help documentation suggests that loose materials or protruding handles can affect the automated measurements.
I hope this helps point you in the right direction! Let us know how it goes.
Best regards, Michael