Featured Offer eligibility removed from all FBM Listings
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Featured Offer eligibility removed from all FBM Listings

In the last 1-2 weeks almost all our active listings turned to being no longer Featured Offer eligible. These are items that we have been Featured Offer eligible for in the past, and have been selling competitively for the past 1-2 years. Our prices are extremely competitive, and we offer free standard shipping to all of them. The only item (out of 74) that is now Feature Eligible, is one we have for FBA.

I've looked through the forums and it seems like other sellers are having the same problem. There does not seem to be a definitive answer to what's going on. With the amount of similar discussions posted here on the forums, I am suspecting some type of change was done without notice. Does anyone have an insight on what's going on?

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Tags:Buy Box, Feature Offer
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@Cooper_Amazon would you be able to help? I am in the exact same situation as the poster in the this thread.

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Hi @almibs.

Thanks for the post. Can you share the case id that you opened with Seller Support.

Thanks in advance and have a good weekend.


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