Read onlyThe retail giant is no longer steering customers away from the court system, as companies scramble to find ways to avoid lawyers who file mass-arbitration claims.
Anybody else catch the Wall Street Journal Article today?
With no announcement, the company recently changed its terms of service to allow customers to file lawsuits. Section 18 still remains in Sellers " Amazon Services Business Solutions Agreement" however.
Personally, I like Amazon reimbursed arbitration, for the reasons I have elocuted in previous posts. Anyone else have thoughts?
Interesting how these types of policies are now biting Amazon, and other large companies, in the rear end. From a consumer perspective, I think the ‘abuse’ of the arbitration system is a just dessert of sorts. Especially with Tech products/services, the line of morality is crossed readily if profits are visible on the other side. Someone has to bear the burden, and more often its put on mindless consumers than it should be.
I agree that I still like the idea of Amazon reimbursed arbitration. Especially for sellers, many don’t have the time, and especially the money, to commit to arbitration and walk away with nothing. Covering the fees offers at least some relief, albeit slim to what the overall issue may be.
I would take this as a ‘win’ in the ongoing war of consumer data and its’ manipulation.
This is the cheapest approach for Amazon.
There will not be class actions, and it is unlikely that any attorney will be taking cases on contingency. When they provide the unhappy sellers with an estimate of costs, most will back off.
Big companies have taken this approach for years.