Sales rank changes
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Sales rank changes

Hi everyone!

I noticed changes in Sales rank on all my products in Amazon. The changes occurred on December 24, 2024. In most cases, Sales rank has increased tens of times. If before the value was 10,000, now it is 2,000,000 and sometimes even 11,000,000. There are several examples where Sales rank dropped from 300,000 to 150,000. I am concerned about such a sharp and massive nature. And how will this affect sales?

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Greetings @Seller_IDk9M2zgn7u1x,

Thanks for taking the time to post. I recommend checking out a thread my colleague Glenn posted a few months ago: Listings Lounge: How do you Rank? Understanding Sales Ranks. The post has a lot of great information, and resources within Seller Central that can help clarify the Sales Rank and how it works. Let me know if you end up checking it out!

- Bryce

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