I've noticed the past week or two, my title containing the most relevant keywords keeps changing on its own and taking out my top keyword that's targeted. Has anyone experienced this before? It seems like it's affecting my sales. Let me know if you have any advice.
Thank you,
I've noticed the past week or two, my title containing the most relevant keywords keeps changing on its own and taking out my top keyword that's targeted. Has anyone experienced this before? It seems like it's affecting my sales. Let me know if you have any advice.
Thank you,
Titles are not supposed to be keyword stuffed.
Hello @Seller_a6WGmoYFR2eKl,
Michelle at Amazon here. I understand that you are concerned that your keywords are being removed from your title. Keywords are not allowed in the title as @Seller_z3XfkorVSmnEY stated. Keywords are intended to be under the keyword section of the listing. You can read more on keywords here.
I hope this information is helpful.
There are many sellers that have this same keyword in their title and it hasn't been removed from their listings. Is this a new policy? I've never heard of it. The words are also my brand and describe my product.
Hello @Seller_a6WGmoYFR2eKl,
Can you please provide me with your case ID so I can take a look?
The words are also my brand and describe my product.
This is the problem I face as well. Our brand name was removed from all of our titles and caused some alarm, but before I could address it, the brand name was returned. I recall reading that this was an "experiment," and was relieved when the brand was returned because I too used an important keyword as part of the brand name — by design. It seems this "experiment" was not well thought-through. And now it has happened again and this time I fear it is permanent. I do not understand why the brand would be removed from the title after years of demanding that the brand be part of the title.
@Michelle_Amazon, is this the case? Is this experiment permanent and the brand will forever be removed from the title despite what I input and name the product (and for that matter, the brand?)
Seller_740 Yes, exactly. Glad to know I'm not the only one going through this. My brand name and important product name -keyword keeps being eliminated from my title. Meanwhile, amazon does nothing and responds with a generic written robitic response that never solves the issue or answers the question. Then they allow the top Chinese seller/competitor continue to keep this important keyword at the front of his title, while he's been gaining 100s of reviews on his listing since day one, violating many of Amazon's policies and they won't take him down after I reported his listing many times.
Hi @Seller_YP2wGTp2WTRuV,
Can you please provide me with your Seller Support case so I can take a look at your products?
Hello @Seller_a6WGmoYFR2eKl,
I am still waiting for you to provide a case ID so I can take a look to see if your titles are being incorrectly changed. Please provide me with this information if you want me to take a look.
Here is the case ID: 14992930481
They didn't solve the issue.
Thank you,
Hi Michelle,
I didn't file a case on this matter because Seller Support has no idea what I'm talking about. However, the problem persists and my brand name is being removed from the product titles and this removes one of the most important key words. You can see the lack of brand name on any of listings.
If you'd like to open a case to discuss the specifics, send me the case number.
Hi @Seller_a6WGmoYFR2eKl,
I am looking into this and will get back to you when I have more information. In the mean time, I would be sure to update your detail page to ensure it's compliant by removing the brackets from your bullet points and putting your keywords in the keyword section and removing them from your title. If you leave them where they are, this could lead to your listing being removed from the site. You can read more on the detail page rules here and learn more about keywords here. Having your keywords where they belong will be just as searchable as in your title and it makes your title more appealing to your customer.
I will follow up when I have more information.
Hello @Seller_YP2wGTp2WTRuV,
It is likely that there are experiments running to see if it improves the customer experience. I will update you when I hear back from the team.
Thank you for your reply and update. The problem persists. After going through and maintaining the painstaking process of trademarking and participating in Amazon's Brand Registry, it is difficult to see how experimenting with title redactions "improves the customer experience" particularly when the brand name is a critical identifier of the product, category, and target market. And it is frustrating after years of demanding that the brand name be the first words in the title that Amazon would "experiment" with removing it without regard to the research and effort it has taken to optimize titles to perform under the stated policies.
I would prefer to opt-out of this experiment until Amazon can present clear and compelling data showing that removing the brand name from the title improves the customer experience. Surely if you can clearly show down to the dollar-and-cent level how adding A+ content or video to a listing will result in a "sales lift", you can likewise show the impact of this ad-hoc title (policy?) change.
Check your title experiments. Auto opt in when editing listings now. Super annoying. I'm sure its OK for very large volume sellers, but it auto chooses the best "experiment results". If quantity isn't super high - the chosen winner is questionable at best.
I have this problem but with my bullet points, they disappear or they duplicate by themselves, I go and edit the listing and then it's not showing on my laptop but it shows on my phone or vice versa...I dont know what to do!
I've noticed the past week or two, my title containing the most relevant keywords keeps changing on its own and taking out my top keyword that's targeted. Has anyone experienced this before? It seems like it's affecting my sales. Let me know if you have any advice.
Thank you,
I've noticed the past week or two, my title containing the most relevant keywords keeps changing on its own and taking out my top keyword that's targeted. Has anyone experienced this before? It seems like it's affecting my sales. Let me know if you have any advice.
Thank you,
I've noticed the past week or two, my title containing the most relevant keywords keeps changing on its own and taking out my top keyword that's targeted. Has anyone experienced this before? It seems like it's affecting my sales. Let me know if you have any advice.
Thank you,
Titles are not supposed to be keyword stuffed.
Hello @Seller_a6WGmoYFR2eKl,
Michelle at Amazon here. I understand that you are concerned that your keywords are being removed from your title. Keywords are not allowed in the title as @Seller_z3XfkorVSmnEY stated. Keywords are intended to be under the keyword section of the listing. You can read more on keywords here.
I hope this information is helpful.
There are many sellers that have this same keyword in their title and it hasn't been removed from their listings. Is this a new policy? I've never heard of it. The words are also my brand and describe my product.
Hello @Seller_a6WGmoYFR2eKl,
Can you please provide me with your case ID so I can take a look?
The words are also my brand and describe my product.
This is the problem I face as well. Our brand name was removed from all of our titles and caused some alarm, but before I could address it, the brand name was returned. I recall reading that this was an "experiment," and was relieved when the brand was returned because I too used an important keyword as part of the brand name — by design. It seems this "experiment" was not well thought-through. And now it has happened again and this time I fear it is permanent. I do not understand why the brand would be removed from the title after years of demanding that the brand be part of the title.
@Michelle_Amazon, is this the case? Is this experiment permanent and the brand will forever be removed from the title despite what I input and name the product (and for that matter, the brand?)
Seller_740 Yes, exactly. Glad to know I'm not the only one going through this. My brand name and important product name -keyword keeps being eliminated from my title. Meanwhile, amazon does nothing and responds with a generic written robitic response that never solves the issue or answers the question. Then they allow the top Chinese seller/competitor continue to keep this important keyword at the front of his title, while he's been gaining 100s of reviews on his listing since day one, violating many of Amazon's policies and they won't take him down after I reported his listing many times.
Hi @Seller_YP2wGTp2WTRuV,
Can you please provide me with your Seller Support case so I can take a look at your products?
Hello @Seller_a6WGmoYFR2eKl,
I am still waiting for you to provide a case ID so I can take a look to see if your titles are being incorrectly changed. Please provide me with this information if you want me to take a look.
Here is the case ID: 14992930481
They didn't solve the issue.
Thank you,
Hi Michelle,
I didn't file a case on this matter because Seller Support has no idea what I'm talking about. However, the problem persists and my brand name is being removed from the product titles and this removes one of the most important key words. You can see the lack of brand name on any of listings.
If you'd like to open a case to discuss the specifics, send me the case number.
Hi @Seller_a6WGmoYFR2eKl,
I am looking into this and will get back to you when I have more information. In the mean time, I would be sure to update your detail page to ensure it's compliant by removing the brackets from your bullet points and putting your keywords in the keyword section and removing them from your title. If you leave them where they are, this could lead to your listing being removed from the site. You can read more on the detail page rules here and learn more about keywords here. Having your keywords where they belong will be just as searchable as in your title and it makes your title more appealing to your customer.
I will follow up when I have more information.
Hello @Seller_YP2wGTp2WTRuV,
It is likely that there are experiments running to see if it improves the customer experience. I will update you when I hear back from the team.
Thank you for your reply and update. The problem persists. After going through and maintaining the painstaking process of trademarking and participating in Amazon's Brand Registry, it is difficult to see how experimenting with title redactions "improves the customer experience" particularly when the brand name is a critical identifier of the product, category, and target market. And it is frustrating after years of demanding that the brand name be the first words in the title that Amazon would "experiment" with removing it without regard to the research and effort it has taken to optimize titles to perform under the stated policies.
I would prefer to opt-out of this experiment until Amazon can present clear and compelling data showing that removing the brand name from the title improves the customer experience. Surely if you can clearly show down to the dollar-and-cent level how adding A+ content or video to a listing will result in a "sales lift", you can likewise show the impact of this ad-hoc title (policy?) change.
Check your title experiments. Auto opt in when editing listings now. Super annoying. I'm sure its OK for very large volume sellers, but it auto chooses the best "experiment results". If quantity isn't super high - the chosen winner is questionable at best.
I have this problem but with my bullet points, they disappear or they duplicate by themselves, I go and edit the listing and then it's not showing on my laptop but it shows on my phone or vice versa...I dont know what to do!
Titles are not supposed to be keyword stuffed.
Titles are not supposed to be keyword stuffed.
Hello @Seller_a6WGmoYFR2eKl,
Michelle at Amazon here. I understand that you are concerned that your keywords are being removed from your title. Keywords are not allowed in the title as @Seller_z3XfkorVSmnEY stated. Keywords are intended to be under the keyword section of the listing. You can read more on keywords here.
I hope this information is helpful.
Hello @Seller_a6WGmoYFR2eKl,
Michelle at Amazon here. I understand that you are concerned that your keywords are being removed from your title. Keywords are not allowed in the title as @Seller_z3XfkorVSmnEY stated. Keywords are intended to be under the keyword section of the listing. You can read more on keywords here.
I hope this information is helpful.
There are many sellers that have this same keyword in their title and it hasn't been removed from their listings. Is this a new policy? I've never heard of it. The words are also my brand and describe my product.
There are many sellers that have this same keyword in their title and it hasn't been removed from their listings. Is this a new policy? I've never heard of it. The words are also my brand and describe my product.
Hello @Seller_a6WGmoYFR2eKl,
Can you please provide me with your case ID so I can take a look?
Hello @Seller_a6WGmoYFR2eKl,
Can you please provide me with your case ID so I can take a look?
The words are also my brand and describe my product.
This is the problem I face as well. Our brand name was removed from all of our titles and caused some alarm, but before I could address it, the brand name was returned. I recall reading that this was an "experiment," and was relieved when the brand was returned because I too used an important keyword as part of the brand name — by design. It seems this "experiment" was not well thought-through. And now it has happened again and this time I fear it is permanent. I do not understand why the brand would be removed from the title after years of demanding that the brand be part of the title.
@Michelle_Amazon, is this the case? Is this experiment permanent and the brand will forever be removed from the title despite what I input and name the product (and for that matter, the brand?)
The words are also my brand and describe my product.
This is the problem I face as well. Our brand name was removed from all of our titles and caused some alarm, but before I could address it, the brand name was returned. I recall reading that this was an "experiment," and was relieved when the brand was returned because I too used an important keyword as part of the brand name — by design. It seems this "experiment" was not well thought-through. And now it has happened again and this time I fear it is permanent. I do not understand why the brand would be removed from the title after years of demanding that the brand be part of the title.
@Michelle_Amazon, is this the case? Is this experiment permanent and the brand will forever be removed from the title despite what I input and name the product (and for that matter, the brand?)
Seller_740 Yes, exactly. Glad to know I'm not the only one going through this. My brand name and important product name -keyword keeps being eliminated from my title. Meanwhile, amazon does nothing and responds with a generic written robitic response that never solves the issue or answers the question. Then they allow the top Chinese seller/competitor continue to keep this important keyword at the front of his title, while he's been gaining 100s of reviews on his listing since day one, violating many of Amazon's policies and they won't take him down after I reported his listing many times.
Seller_740 Yes, exactly. Glad to know I'm not the only one going through this. My brand name and important product name -keyword keeps being eliminated from my title. Meanwhile, amazon does nothing and responds with a generic written robitic response that never solves the issue or answers the question. Then they allow the top Chinese seller/competitor continue to keep this important keyword at the front of his title, while he's been gaining 100s of reviews on his listing since day one, violating many of Amazon's policies and they won't take him down after I reported his listing many times.
Hi @Seller_YP2wGTp2WTRuV,
Can you please provide me with your Seller Support case so I can take a look at your products?
Hi @Seller_YP2wGTp2WTRuV,
Can you please provide me with your Seller Support case so I can take a look at your products?
Hello @Seller_a6WGmoYFR2eKl,
I am still waiting for you to provide a case ID so I can take a look to see if your titles are being incorrectly changed. Please provide me with this information if you want me to take a look.
Hello @Seller_a6WGmoYFR2eKl,
I am still waiting for you to provide a case ID so I can take a look to see if your titles are being incorrectly changed. Please provide me with this information if you want me to take a look.
Here is the case ID: 14992930481
They didn't solve the issue.
Thank you,
Here is the case ID: 14992930481
They didn't solve the issue.
Thank you,
Hi Michelle,
I didn't file a case on this matter because Seller Support has no idea what I'm talking about. However, the problem persists and my brand name is being removed from the product titles and this removes one of the most important key words. You can see the lack of brand name on any of listings.
If you'd like to open a case to discuss the specifics, send me the case number.
Hi Michelle,
I didn't file a case on this matter because Seller Support has no idea what I'm talking about. However, the problem persists and my brand name is being removed from the product titles and this removes one of the most important key words. You can see the lack of brand name on any of listings.
If you'd like to open a case to discuss the specifics, send me the case number.
Hi @Seller_a6WGmoYFR2eKl,
I am looking into this and will get back to you when I have more information. In the mean time, I would be sure to update your detail page to ensure it's compliant by removing the brackets from your bullet points and putting your keywords in the keyword section and removing them from your title. If you leave them where they are, this could lead to your listing being removed from the site. You can read more on the detail page rules here and learn more about keywords here. Having your keywords where they belong will be just as searchable as in your title and it makes your title more appealing to your customer.
I will follow up when I have more information.
Hi @Seller_a6WGmoYFR2eKl,
I am looking into this and will get back to you when I have more information. In the mean time, I would be sure to update your detail page to ensure it's compliant by removing the brackets from your bullet points and putting your keywords in the keyword section and removing them from your title. If you leave them where they are, this could lead to your listing being removed from the site. You can read more on the detail page rules here and learn more about keywords here. Having your keywords where they belong will be just as searchable as in your title and it makes your title more appealing to your customer.
I will follow up when I have more information.
Hello @Seller_YP2wGTp2WTRuV,
It is likely that there are experiments running to see if it improves the customer experience. I will update you when I hear back from the team.
Hello @Seller_YP2wGTp2WTRuV,
It is likely that there are experiments running to see if it improves the customer experience. I will update you when I hear back from the team.
Thank you for your reply and update. The problem persists. After going through and maintaining the painstaking process of trademarking and participating in Amazon's Brand Registry, it is difficult to see how experimenting with title redactions "improves the customer experience" particularly when the brand name is a critical identifier of the product, category, and target market. And it is frustrating after years of demanding that the brand name be the first words in the title that Amazon would "experiment" with removing it without regard to the research and effort it has taken to optimize titles to perform under the stated policies.
I would prefer to opt-out of this experiment until Amazon can present clear and compelling data showing that removing the brand name from the title improves the customer experience. Surely if you can clearly show down to the dollar-and-cent level how adding A+ content or video to a listing will result in a "sales lift", you can likewise show the impact of this ad-hoc title (policy?) change.
Thank you for your reply and update. The problem persists. After going through and maintaining the painstaking process of trademarking and participating in Amazon's Brand Registry, it is difficult to see how experimenting with title redactions "improves the customer experience" particularly when the brand name is a critical identifier of the product, category, and target market. And it is frustrating after years of demanding that the brand name be the first words in the title that Amazon would "experiment" with removing it without regard to the research and effort it has taken to optimize titles to perform under the stated policies.
I would prefer to opt-out of this experiment until Amazon can present clear and compelling data showing that removing the brand name from the title improves the customer experience. Surely if you can clearly show down to the dollar-and-cent level how adding A+ content or video to a listing will result in a "sales lift", you can likewise show the impact of this ad-hoc title (policy?) change.
Check your title experiments. Auto opt in when editing listings now. Super annoying. I'm sure its OK for very large volume sellers, but it auto chooses the best "experiment results". If quantity isn't super high - the chosen winner is questionable at best.
Check your title experiments. Auto opt in when editing listings now. Super annoying. I'm sure its OK for very large volume sellers, but it auto chooses the best "experiment results". If quantity isn't super high - the chosen winner is questionable at best.
I have this problem but with my bullet points, they disappear or they duplicate by themselves, I go and edit the listing and then it's not showing on my laptop but it shows on my phone or vice versa...I dont know what to do!
I have this problem but with my bullet points, they disappear or they duplicate by themselves, I go and edit the listing and then it's not showing on my laptop but it shows on my phone or vice versa...I dont know what to do!