Read onlyThere were a few failed attempts when I was trying to register for an amazon seller account, and I was advised to re-try registration with a new email address. But the store name I entered during the previous failed registration became unavailable. The store name was the brand name for my business, it would be a big loss for my brand if I cannot use it as the store name. Is there any way I can get the never-used store name back?
Hi there @Seller_7qDjGjoLHHmt6
Just to clarify so I can give the correct information, are you referring to your storefront name shown to customers as who they're buying from?
Looking forward to hearing from you!
Well, my brand has been verified and approved by amazon. It's not the case that we are trying to use a name similar to others, it's an original brand name, and was available in several forms, say written in capitals, lower cases, and with dashes, during my previous failed registration attempts, it became unavailable simply because I used it for registrations. Amazon should also release the store names from its database after a certain period when a registration is rejected.