Read onlyAmazon requires that we re-verify our bank account, which we have now tried to do 7 or 8 times. Amazon continues to tell us that the verification failed, even though all the information required is on the document. We have called them twice and neither time have they been helpful at all to solve the issue, they just tell us that the verification failed. We opened a new bank account to attempt to use that but the verification failed. Amazon is deactivating our account on Tuesday if we do not verify, what do i do?
Hello @Seller_jOwiAx6gOV2lx,
Thank you for reaching out here on the Seller Forums.
I see that you are attempting to verify your bank account for the Inform Consumers Act and you have received notification that the verification has failed.
For the bank account verification, you will be asked to submit a bank statement that matches the deposit method information you have in seller central. Here are the requirements:
-The account number on the statement must exactly match the deposit method account number that you have in seller central.
-The name on the statement must match your information in the account (legal entity, point of contact, legal tax name, etc.).
-The document cannot be older than 180 days.
-The bank name on the document must match the bank name in seller central.
-The document cannot be a screenshot.
-The document must be in one of the supported languages (Note: Supported languages -English, Chinese, Dutch, German, Italian, Spanish, Swedish, French, Turkish, Polish, Portuguese, Arabic, Hindi, Tamil, Vietnamese, Thai, and Japanese)
Did you receive a notification that the verification has failed? Do you see an action item when you click on the bank account verification section? If it has been rejected, you will see the reason for rejection on the account. Can you share that reason here or provide a screenshot for us to review?
After you submit the documents, you will be required to assign the US marketplace to that deposit method. Once you have assigned the marketplace, this should complete the process.
Once you have reviewed the information and questions above, please feel free to respond here in this thread. The Forums community and I are here to support you.
Wishing you the best,