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A fake buyer who follows specific patterns and explicitly shows the intention to destroy businesses on Amazon

We have been dealing with the same fake reviewer for over two months. It seems that Amazon does not have an internal way of stopping this. By the way, reporting abuse and buyer messages do not work, at least in my case. I have tried hundreds of times.
My proposal is this: A buyer who consistently follows the same patterns and intentions to destroy a business on Amazon should be banned from the platform and acknowledged to the sellers for legal actions.

Moderator Edit (Ricardo_Mod_Amazon): removed external URL.

276 replies
Tags:Amazon business, Deals, Reporting
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A fake buyer who follows specific patterns and explicitly shows the intention to destroy businesses on Amazon

We have been dealing with the same fake reviewer for over two months. It seems that Amazon does not have an internal way of stopping this. By the way, reporting abuse and buyer messages do not work, at least in my case. I have tried hundreds of times.
My proposal is this: A buyer who consistently follows the same patterns and intentions to destroy a business on Amazon should be banned from the platform and acknowledged to the sellers for legal actions.

Moderator Edit (Ricardo_Mod_Amazon): removed external URL.

Tags:Amazon business, Deals, Reporting
276 replies
276 replies
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The fake buyer placed 42 orders and left 42 negative feedback even though we canceled or did not ship them out. We are still waiting for seller support to remove them from our account.

user profile

You may wish to engage a lawyer to resolve the issue.

user profile

This is another victim seller with the same horrible experience.

user profile

I also believe that a repetitive case like this should be assigned to the same seller support person. They could easily connect the dots and engage with the solution quickly since they are familiar with the issue from the very beginning. Working with the different support persons for every abuse is exhausting and time-consuming. There are more than 60 cases opened for this repetitive issue, so it means I talked to 60 other seller support persons. It is the same fake buyer, same fake claims.

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What you need is the following:

  1. A lawyer that practices Anti-trust law

The basis of your claim is “tortious interference”

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This post has been deleted
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I talked more than 60 times on the phone with seller support. All of them agreed that the feedbacks must be removed. @Bea_Amazon. @KJ_Amazon. But they directed us to feedback removal requests which does not work. Attached is one of the canceled fake orders.
When we request the removal, it says the following: We have reviewed this feedback and found that it is not in violation of our guidelines and has been retained. When I click the view case: It takes me to another case (case ID: 9975693051

). It happens for all 16 fake feedbacks.

user profile

I see that the same fake buyer has done the same thing to the following sellers with quick research. Attached are the proofs of the attacks.

  1. iCALOA_Books
  2. BookWizard107
  3. Attracrfit
  4. Iz Next
  5. CambridgeClub

WeChat%20Image_20210906105333 2-%20BookWizard107 3-%20Atractfit 5-%20CambridgeClub

[Moderator Edit: Jim_Amazon removed image containing personal information]

user profile

The same fake buyer attacked several other sellers. One of the sellers mentioned above said that he was a 16-year seller on Amazon and the fake feedbacks deeply suffered his business. Let’s make it a fair game. I have been serving here for five years. I have fulfilled the orders on Amazon for many years, including being a full-time seller during the COVID. Amazon should do the same to fulfill the obligations to protect the rights of seller partners like us. @Bea_Amazon @KJ_Amazon, @Jackson_Amazon, @Theodore_Amazon, @Darby_Amazon. I am still waiting for Amazon to delete the 16 negative feedbacks from my account.

user profile

A fake buyer who follows specific patterns and explicitly shows the intention to destroy businesses on Amazon

We have been dealing with the same fake reviewer for over two months. It seems that Amazon does not have an internal way of stopping this. By the way, reporting abuse and buyer messages do not work, at least in my case. I have tried hundreds of times.
My proposal is this: A buyer who consistently follows the same patterns and intentions to destroy a business on Amazon should be banned from the platform and acknowledged to the sellers for legal actions.

Moderator Edit (Ricardo_Mod_Amazon): removed external URL.

276 replies
Tags:Amazon business, Deals, Reporting
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A fake buyer who follows specific patterns and explicitly shows the intention to destroy businesses on Amazon

We have been dealing with the same fake reviewer for over two months. It seems that Amazon does not have an internal way of stopping this. By the way, reporting abuse and buyer messages do not work, at least in my case. I have tried hundreds of times.
My proposal is this: A buyer who consistently follows the same patterns and intentions to destroy a business on Amazon should be banned from the platform and acknowledged to the sellers for legal actions.

Moderator Edit (Ricardo_Mod_Amazon): removed external URL.

Tags:Amazon business, Deals, Reporting
276 replies
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A fake buyer who follows specific patterns and explicitly shows the intention to destroy businesses on Amazon

by Seller_QprU2DzMy0x9V

We have been dealing with the same fake reviewer for over two months. It seems that Amazon does not have an internal way of stopping this. By the way, reporting abuse and buyer messages do not work, at least in my case. I have tried hundreds of times.
My proposal is this: A buyer who consistently follows the same patterns and intentions to destroy a business on Amazon should be banned from the platform and acknowledged to the sellers for legal actions.

Moderator Edit (Ricardo_Mod_Amazon): removed external URL.

Tags:Amazon business, Deals, Reporting
276 replies
276 replies
276 replies
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The fake buyer placed 42 orders and left 42 negative feedback even though we canceled or did not ship them out. We are still waiting for seller support to remove them from our account.

user profile

You may wish to engage a lawyer to resolve the issue.

user profile

This is another victim seller with the same horrible experience.

user profile

I also believe that a repetitive case like this should be assigned to the same seller support person. They could easily connect the dots and engage with the solution quickly since they are familiar with the issue from the very beginning. Working with the different support persons for every abuse is exhausting and time-consuming. There are more than 60 cases opened for this repetitive issue, so it means I talked to 60 other seller support persons. It is the same fake buyer, same fake claims.

user profile

What you need is the following:

  1. A lawyer that practices Anti-trust law

The basis of your claim is “tortious interference”

user profile
This post has been deleted
user profile

I talked more than 60 times on the phone with seller support. All of them agreed that the feedbacks must be removed. @Bea_Amazon. @KJ_Amazon. But they directed us to feedback removal requests which does not work. Attached is one of the canceled fake orders.
When we request the removal, it says the following: We have reviewed this feedback and found that it is not in violation of our guidelines and has been retained. When I click the view case: It takes me to another case (case ID: 9975693051

). It happens for all 16 fake feedbacks.

user profile

I see that the same fake buyer has done the same thing to the following sellers with quick research. Attached are the proofs of the attacks.

  1. iCALOA_Books
  2. BookWizard107
  3. Attracrfit
  4. Iz Next
  5. CambridgeClub

WeChat%20Image_20210906105333 2-%20BookWizard107 3-%20Atractfit 5-%20CambridgeClub

[Moderator Edit: Jim_Amazon removed image containing personal information]

user profile

The same fake buyer attacked several other sellers. One of the sellers mentioned above said that he was a 16-year seller on Amazon and the fake feedbacks deeply suffered his business. Let’s make it a fair game. I have been serving here for five years. I have fulfilled the orders on Amazon for many years, including being a full-time seller during the COVID. Amazon should do the same to fulfill the obligations to protect the rights of seller partners like us. @Bea_Amazon @KJ_Amazon, @Jackson_Amazon, @Theodore_Amazon, @Darby_Amazon. I am still waiting for Amazon to delete the 16 negative feedbacks from my account.

user profile

The fake buyer placed 42 orders and left 42 negative feedback even though we canceled or did not ship them out. We are still waiting for seller support to remove them from our account.

user profile

The fake buyer placed 42 orders and left 42 negative feedback even though we canceled or did not ship them out. We are still waiting for seller support to remove them from our account.

user profile

You may wish to engage a lawyer to resolve the issue.

user profile

You may wish to engage a lawyer to resolve the issue.

user profile

This is another victim seller with the same horrible experience.

user profile

This is another victim seller with the same horrible experience.

user profile

I also believe that a repetitive case like this should be assigned to the same seller support person. They could easily connect the dots and engage with the solution quickly since they are familiar with the issue from the very beginning. Working with the different support persons for every abuse is exhausting and time-consuming. There are more than 60 cases opened for this repetitive issue, so it means I talked to 60 other seller support persons. It is the same fake buyer, same fake claims.

user profile

I also believe that a repetitive case like this should be assigned to the same seller support person. They could easily connect the dots and engage with the solution quickly since they are familiar with the issue from the very beginning. Working with the different support persons for every abuse is exhausting and time-consuming. There are more than 60 cases opened for this repetitive issue, so it means I talked to 60 other seller support persons. It is the same fake buyer, same fake claims.

user profile

What you need is the following:

  1. A lawyer that practices Anti-trust law

The basis of your claim is “tortious interference”

user profile

What you need is the following:

  1. A lawyer that practices Anti-trust law

The basis of your claim is “tortious interference”

user profile
This post has been deleted
user profile
This post has been deleted
user profile

I talked more than 60 times on the phone with seller support. All of them agreed that the feedbacks must be removed. @Bea_Amazon. @KJ_Amazon. But they directed us to feedback removal requests which does not work. Attached is one of the canceled fake orders.
When we request the removal, it says the following: We have reviewed this feedback and found that it is not in violation of our guidelines and has been retained. When I click the view case: It takes me to another case (case ID: 9975693051

). It happens for all 16 fake feedbacks.

user profile

I talked more than 60 times on the phone with seller support. All of them agreed that the feedbacks must be removed. @Bea_Amazon. @KJ_Amazon. But they directed us to feedback removal requests which does not work. Attached is one of the canceled fake orders.
When we request the removal, it says the following: We have reviewed this feedback and found that it is not in violation of our guidelines and has been retained. When I click the view case: It takes me to another case (case ID: 9975693051

). It happens for all 16 fake feedbacks.

user profile

I see that the same fake buyer has done the same thing to the following sellers with quick research. Attached are the proofs of the attacks.

  1. iCALOA_Books
  2. BookWizard107
  3. Attracrfit
  4. Iz Next
  5. CambridgeClub

WeChat%20Image_20210906105333 2-%20BookWizard107 3-%20Atractfit 5-%20CambridgeClub

[Moderator Edit: Jim_Amazon removed image containing personal information]

user profile

I see that the same fake buyer has done the same thing to the following sellers with quick research. Attached are the proofs of the attacks.

  1. iCALOA_Books
  2. BookWizard107
  3. Attracrfit
  4. Iz Next
  5. CambridgeClub

WeChat%20Image_20210906105333 2-%20BookWizard107 3-%20Atractfit 5-%20CambridgeClub

[Moderator Edit: Jim_Amazon removed image containing personal information]

user profile

The same fake buyer attacked several other sellers. One of the sellers mentioned above said that he was a 16-year seller on Amazon and the fake feedbacks deeply suffered his business. Let’s make it a fair game. I have been serving here for five years. I have fulfilled the orders on Amazon for many years, including being a full-time seller during the COVID. Amazon should do the same to fulfill the obligations to protect the rights of seller partners like us. @Bea_Amazon @KJ_Amazon, @Jackson_Amazon, @Theodore_Amazon, @Darby_Amazon. I am still waiting for Amazon to delete the 16 negative feedbacks from my account.

user profile

The same fake buyer attacked several other sellers. One of the sellers mentioned above said that he was a 16-year seller on Amazon and the fake feedbacks deeply suffered his business. Let’s make it a fair game. I have been serving here for five years. I have fulfilled the orders on Amazon for many years, including being a full-time seller during the COVID. Amazon should do the same to fulfill the obligations to protect the rights of seller partners like us. @Bea_Amazon @KJ_Amazon, @Jackson_Amazon, @Theodore_Amazon, @Darby_Amazon. I am still waiting for Amazon to delete the 16 negative feedbacks from my account.


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