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Action required to Verify Your Seller Account


I am active seller (no recent sales, though) and active user of Seller Central. The following has happened today roughly in this order:

  1. My Amazon Seller account became inactive, with no advance explanation AFAIK.
  2. I eventually received an email with subject: Action Required - Account Set to Inactive due to Dormancy.
  3. My listings were deactivated.
  4. I received a 2nd email with subject: Action required to Verify Your Seller Account.
  5. A link newly appeared on the Account Info page entitled: Reactivate Account.

When I follow the email instructions by clicking the Reactivate Account, it redirects me to the error page that says my account is inactive. It appears that I am now in an infinite loop; the error page takes me to Account Info, and the Reactivate Account link on the Account Info page takes me to the error page. Does anyone know what might be wrong and/or how to fix? My listings appear to be down, and I have very limited access to Seller Central.


3 replies
Tags:Account Health, Deactivated, Seller Support
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Action required to Verify Your Seller Account


I am active seller (no recent sales, though) and active user of Seller Central. The following has happened today roughly in this order:

  1. My Amazon Seller account became inactive, with no advance explanation AFAIK.
  2. I eventually received an email with subject: Action Required - Account Set to Inactive due to Dormancy.
  3. My listings were deactivated.
  4. I received a 2nd email with subject: Action required to Verify Your Seller Account.
  5. A link newly appeared on the Account Info page entitled: Reactivate Account.

When I follow the email instructions by clicking the Reactivate Account, it redirects me to the error page that says my account is inactive. It appears that I am now in an infinite loop; the error page takes me to Account Info, and the Reactivate Account link on the Account Info page takes me to the error page. Does anyone know what might be wrong and/or how to fix? My listings appear to be down, and I have very limited access to Seller Central.


3 replies
Tags:Account Health, Deactivated, Seller Support
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Here's an update. I haven't gotten any communication from an Amazon representative, but lots of automated communications. Received a bunch of emails with subject: Action Required: Verify your Selling on Amazon account. Now my account is in a temporary active state, so I have access to the Reactivate Account link. I went there and followed the prompts, so maybe my account will be working again in a day or so. This has been a jarring experience so far.

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Saw a similar posts in the regular Seller Central forum, so it seems it is not just you, or just Handmade.

In both instances we are left to wonder what counts as activity vs inactivity. Sales? Creating new listings? Editing existing listings? Logging in?

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Hello @Seller_YUgnsazKchWHj,

Appreciate you posting here at the forums and being a part of this community!

Please let me know if you have not been able to fully activate your account.

Thank you,


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Action required to Verify Your Seller Account


I am active seller (no recent sales, though) and active user of Seller Central. The following has happened today roughly in this order:

  1. My Amazon Seller account became inactive, with no advance explanation AFAIK.
  2. I eventually received an email with subject: Action Required - Account Set to Inactive due to Dormancy.
  3. My listings were deactivated.
  4. I received a 2nd email with subject: Action required to Verify Your Seller Account.
  5. A link newly appeared on the Account Info page entitled: Reactivate Account.

When I follow the email instructions by clicking the Reactivate Account, it redirects me to the error page that says my account is inactive. It appears that I am now in an infinite loop; the error page takes me to Account Info, and the Reactivate Account link on the Account Info page takes me to the error page. Does anyone know what might be wrong and/or how to fix? My listings appear to be down, and I have very limited access to Seller Central.


3 replies
Tags:Account Health, Deactivated, Seller Support
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Action required to Verify Your Seller Account


I am active seller (no recent sales, though) and active user of Seller Central. The following has happened today roughly in this order:

  1. My Amazon Seller account became inactive, with no advance explanation AFAIK.
  2. I eventually received an email with subject: Action Required - Account Set to Inactive due to Dormancy.
  3. My listings were deactivated.
  4. I received a 2nd email with subject: Action required to Verify Your Seller Account.
  5. A link newly appeared on the Account Info page entitled: Reactivate Account.

When I follow the email instructions by clicking the Reactivate Account, it redirects me to the error page that says my account is inactive. It appears that I am now in an infinite loop; the error page takes me to Account Info, and the Reactivate Account link on the Account Info page takes me to the error page. Does anyone know what might be wrong and/or how to fix? My listings appear to be down, and I have very limited access to Seller Central.


3 replies
Tags:Account Health, Deactivated, Seller Support
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Action required to Verify Your Seller Account

by Seller_YUgnsazKchWHj


I am active seller (no recent sales, though) and active user of Seller Central. The following has happened today roughly in this order:

  1. My Amazon Seller account became inactive, with no advance explanation AFAIK.
  2. I eventually received an email with subject: Action Required - Account Set to Inactive due to Dormancy.
  3. My listings were deactivated.
  4. I received a 2nd email with subject: Action required to Verify Your Seller Account.
  5. A link newly appeared on the Account Info page entitled: Reactivate Account.

When I follow the email instructions by clicking the Reactivate Account, it redirects me to the error page that says my account is inactive. It appears that I am now in an infinite loop; the error page takes me to Account Info, and the Reactivate Account link on the Account Info page takes me to the error page. Does anyone know what might be wrong and/or how to fix? My listings appear to be down, and I have very limited access to Seller Central.


Tags:Account Health, Deactivated, Seller Support
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Here's an update. I haven't gotten any communication from an Amazon representative, but lots of automated communications. Received a bunch of emails with subject: Action Required: Verify your Selling on Amazon account. Now my account is in a temporary active state, so I have access to the Reactivate Account link. I went there and followed the prompts, so maybe my account will be working again in a day or so. This has been a jarring experience so far.

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Saw a similar posts in the regular Seller Central forum, so it seems it is not just you, or just Handmade.

In both instances we are left to wonder what counts as activity vs inactivity. Sales? Creating new listings? Editing existing listings? Logging in?

user profile

Hello @Seller_YUgnsazKchWHj,

Appreciate you posting here at the forums and being a part of this community!

Please let me know if you have not been able to fully activate your account.

Thank you,


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Here's an update. I haven't gotten any communication from an Amazon representative, but lots of automated communications. Received a bunch of emails with subject: Action Required: Verify your Selling on Amazon account. Now my account is in a temporary active state, so I have access to the Reactivate Account link. I went there and followed the prompts, so maybe my account will be working again in a day or so. This has been a jarring experience so far.

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Here's an update. I haven't gotten any communication from an Amazon representative, but lots of automated communications. Received a bunch of emails with subject: Action Required: Verify your Selling on Amazon account. Now my account is in a temporary active state, so I have access to the Reactivate Account link. I went there and followed the prompts, so maybe my account will be working again in a day or so. This has been a jarring experience so far.

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Saw a similar posts in the regular Seller Central forum, so it seems it is not just you, or just Handmade.

In both instances we are left to wonder what counts as activity vs inactivity. Sales? Creating new listings? Editing existing listings? Logging in?

user profile

Saw a similar posts in the regular Seller Central forum, so it seems it is not just you, or just Handmade.

In both instances we are left to wonder what counts as activity vs inactivity. Sales? Creating new listings? Editing existing listings? Logging in?

user profile

Hello @Seller_YUgnsazKchWHj,

Appreciate you posting here at the forums and being a part of this community!

Please let me know if you have not been able to fully activate your account.

Thank you,


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Hello @Seller_YUgnsazKchWHj,

Appreciate you posting here at the forums and being a part of this community!

Please let me know if you have not been able to fully activate your account.

Thank you,


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