Read onlyIs anyone having any luck being able to book their AWD shipments to go to West/Southwest?
Last week I was only able to book one in CA on Monday. Since then it's just MD & PA
Way too expensive to be shipping product all the way out there
Hi @Seller_qm9IhpBZk3W3A,
I know you're looking for feedback from other sellers but I'm monitoring the thread and will pass along any anecdotes as needed to our AWD partners.
Same issue. I was able to book one for US Southwest 2 weeks ago, but now it is all US East. This might have something to do with everyone rushing to get inventory in before Chinese New Year and the likely new tariff.
Just chiming in after the above that shipments are routed and destinations determined in part by capacity at the AWD facilities, which I have yet to see posited above, so just making sure that's on the radar for everyone here as well.
We created shipments to AWD (IUSQ) at the end of Nov for beginning of Feb delivery - now we've been turned away at our delivery appts twice since the facility is at capacity - thus racking up storage fees and trucking fees.
It is becoming untenable for us to use AWD due to the delivery appointments not being honored. I'd really caution other sellers about using this service - it's caused us additional fees and prolonged stock outs.
Hi @Seller_iFgzedbNFtda3,
I'm sorry to read about this. Can you share the impacted shipment IDs for me to ask our AWD partners to look into?