AWD Assistance Needed - Shipping to West Coast
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AWD Assistance Needed - Shipping to West Coast

I am trying to create an AWD shipment, but I’m unable to ship to the West Coast. Our business is located on the West Coast, and the primary reason we use AWD is to save on costs. We have successfully shipped to the West Coast multiple times before, but now it seems I can’t. Shipping to the Southwest or East Coast is not profitable for us. I need to ship 10 pallets, and the cost to send them to either the East or Southwest is $5,000, which eliminates the cost-saving benefits of using AWD.

Could a representative assist me in securing a shipping destination on the West Coast? At the moment, neither FBA nor AWD shipments are viable options for us. Your help would be greatly appreciated!

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Tags:FBA, Fulfillment, Fulfillment center, Shipping, Shipping costs
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Hello @Seller_TMeWPQIjNrDNH Thanks for checking in with the forums about AWD shipments.

To answer your question about West Coast availability: region allotment is based on available capacity at the distribution center during the expected arrival time of the shipment.

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Same UPS direct to FBA would be better as long as you can avoid the placement fees with multiple packages.

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