Get answers about Amazon Buy Shipping at an Ask Amazon event on 2/8/2024


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Get answers about Amazon Buy Shipping at an Ask Amazon event on 2/8/2024

Hello Sellers,

Welcome to our Ask Amazon Q&A with the Amazon Buy Shipping team, focusing on your questions with Amazon Buy Shipping.

This topic will be open today, 2/8/2024, until 5 PM PST. We have moderators closely watching this thread throughout the day, and they may merge posts with similar questions so we can answer them all in one place.

With Amazon's Buy Shipping services, you can buy shipping labels individually or in bulk, while automating shipment confirmation and valid tracking in Seller Central. Amazon Buy Shipping ensures that your products are delivered to your customers using a trusted network of shipping carriers.

For more information, go to Amazon Buy Shipping.

Our Amazon Buy Shipping team is reviewing your questions and we’ll do our best to respond to them by 5 PM PST tomorrow, 2/9/2024.

Note: We cannot provide legal advice or otherwise interpret regulatory requirements on situations that are specific to individual sellers.

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Tags:Ask Amazon, Events
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In reply to: Blake_Amazon's post

Hello team FedEx and UPS offer Flat rate shipping services. FedEx has One Rate and UPS has Simple Rate.

Built in buy shipping you already have FedEx One rates as a carrier option but they are always greyed out how can those be used for shipping services on shipments what are the steps needed.

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In reply to: Blake_Amazon's post

what to do when UPS makes incorrect shipping label adjustments and your package went from 6lbs to 60lbs because someone had fat fingers at UPS and AMAZON AND UPS refuse to help stating to call the other. How do I get my money back???? This has happened to me 2x and I’m out hundreds and disputes get me nowhere!

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In reply to: Blake_Amazon's post

We recently received an email from Amazon stating that UPS is now available for international orders via Amazon Buy Shipping. We have our UPS account integrated and use it for domestic labels, but we still do NOT see the UPS international shipping options for international orders. We still only see DHL as an option for all our international orders.

How do we enable the UPS option in "Buy Shipping" for international orders?

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In reply to: Blake_Amazon's post

Let the fun begin!

Let's see those responses Amazon.

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In reply to: Blake_Amazon's post

Feature Request: If I connect my own UPS account number, can you make it possible to compare rates between shipping with my UPS account vs Amazon’s UPS account. Currently once a UPS account is connected then only rates from the newly connected UPS account are shown.

This would be helpful because sometimes Amazon’s UPS account provides better rates than my own account. However sometimes my account is less.

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In reply to: Blake_Amazon's post

1. Is Amazon BuyShipping Available to ship within Canada? to Canadian Fulfillment centers?

2. How do we resolve instances where a carrier has picked up the packages from our warehouse but tracking shows no movement?

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In reply to: Blake_Amazon's post
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In reply to: Blake_Amazon's post

Are Buy Shipping Rates better than FBA rates per unit for small items under 5 pounds? What would the service level difference be if we are using Buy Shipping from our warehouse vs fulfillment from an Amazon FBA warehouse?

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In reply to: Blake_Amazon's post

If we are using Buy Shipping are we still able to show our products as Prime Eligible like we see for our FBA items? Any disadvantages that we should take into account?

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In reply to: Blake_Amazon's post

For USPS labels purchased via Buy Shipping there is an issue where it is not possible to initiate a package intercept (Return to Sender). An error message is displayed that says “Unfortunately, this item is ineligible for USPS Package Intercept” See attached screenshots. You can test this with on of my recent USPS tracking numbers: 9334620111470051869451

All of the reasons given by USPS as to why the tracking number is ineligible is not applicable which leads me to believe the reason has to do with Amazon Buy Shipping.

I use return to sender occasionally when the wrong item is shipped, the customer wants to cancel the order after shipment, or there is fraud.

Can you fix this?

Note that Return to Sender is possible with UPS labels purchases via Amazon Buy Shipping.

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In reply to: Blake_Amazon's post

Would a FedEx label purchased through Amazon be covered with the A to Z claim ?

If we are buying Shipping with Amazon, for example UPS and Fedex, if it doesn't have insurance will it still be cover with a A to Z claim, or does insurance need to be purchase?

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In reply to: Blake_Amazon's post

How do sellers handle the 2-day shipping requests when order come in on a Thursday or Friday. Amazon treats 2 days as deliver on Saturday if ordered on Thursday, and delivered on Monday if purchased on Friday.

Problem is, UPS does not see it the way you do and we end up paying outrageous amount to amke an order arrive when YOU think it should arrive,

How can we account for this huge different in shipping costs because Amazon and UPS do not see deliver the same way?

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In reply to: Blake_Amazon's post

Are we ever going to see shipping labels for Priority Mail Cubic and maybe a few other options, print in correct orientation? I avoid using that option (often at a greater cost) because the labels print on both halves of the pages, wasting both labels and time to cut out the label, which screws up the bar code, and try to line it up correctly on the box.

This is at least in QZ tray

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In reply to: Blake_Amazon's post

Would there be any reason to choose Buy Shipping vs. just going with FBA altogether?

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In reply to: Blake_Amazon's post

post.MY question is about buying usps ground advantage 1-70 pounds. At lot of times I can buy the same label through another service for an much as half the price amazon is trying to charge. Seems to happen on weekends. The delivery date is met with both services.

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In reply to: Blake_Amazon's post

Is QZ tray ever going to be updated? I get a printing malfunction about 1 in ever 10 set of label printing, which then, causes me to go back and print every label separately, opening each order up, clicking on "print label" then closing again.

You poor QZ printing ability is made worse by this failure. QZ already takes each order and prints the shipping label 1 by 1 rather than an entire batch as 1 unit, which not takes 10 times longer to print.

There are issues that never seem to be addressed or corrected with QZ tray

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In reply to: Blake_Amazon's post

I would like to know why Amazon shipping can not be available to use on since Amazon owns it. I would like them to offer shipping labels also, but I was told that they can not connect with Amazon shipping. Why?

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In reply to: Blake_Amazon's post

How much to ship a Dvd under .6 oz. ?

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In reply to: Blake_Amazon's post

Hello, I am researching selling internationally from the US to Europe FBM. Are international shipping labels available on Buy Shipping that are Delivery Duties Paid? What are the shipping options?

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In reply to: Blake_Amazon's post

We built a custom shipping solution for our business and would love to integrate Buy Shipping via it's API. However we have been denied access to the SP-API after filling out a rediculously long survey on data security practices. It seems their default is to just deny everyone who isn't a large corporation with a dedicated information security department.

To be clear, this is not software that will access other customers data. We are only trying to access our own orders to print shipping labels. Can Amazon provide relaxed access to the Buy Shipping API when only using the API to access orders on your own seller account?

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In reply to: Blake_Amazon's post

@Blake_Amazon Why does Amazon Buy Shipping not allow multiple boxes per item/ASIN?

We cannot use Amazon's Buy Shipping for over 85% of our products because Amazon does not have the ability to ship multiple boxes for an Item/ASIN. Walmart, eBay, Wayfair and Newegg all have this capability. Are we missing something?


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