Read onlyWe recently noticed that we don't have any listings eligible for Featured offer in the 'Books' category, which is over 90% of our available listings. I have checked active listings in other categories such as 'Toys' or "Movies & TV" and items do show eligibility in those categories. However, every active inventory item in the "Books" category shows an eligibility of "No", even where we have the lowest price.
Mods, I'm requesting some assistance in a featured offer eligibility review of our account in the "Books" category. The related case ID is 15425350121.
Thank you!
Your best option is to tag a mod. They may be able to fix it. KJ at Amazon fixed mine last time. So... @KJ_Amazon can you help the OP?
Nobody knows why this happens, and seller support will not even acknowledge that it is a problem. But it keeps happening. It has been happening since at least 2017. It has hit hundreds of sellers.
I started a thread on the issue. It started getting some publicity. Amazon's response was to lock the thread, rather than to actually fix the problem.
Publicity is your friend. Keep on this until Amazon fixes it.
Hi @BBS_Gp,
Thanks for the post and case id. I will review your case and respond back to you on this post.
Thanks in advance for your patience.
I wonder why they locked that thread..It is obvious that there is a problem. It has happened to me 8 times since November of 2022. Each time with the internal teamin doing a manual override.
Amazon does not want people knowing about this and that is why they closed the thread.
Sometimes the lowest price is not a factor in the featured box. Please use the correct price; if the price is around $10, stick with that price.