Read onlyWe're facing an issue with an appeal submitted to the FBA team regarding a listing, and we're seeking urgent assistance from the community.
Despite receiving confirmation that our appeal has been accepted, there's a discrepancy as the violation still appears on our account health page, and the listing remains inactive. We've attached a screenshot highlighting this issue for reference and included the case ID associated with our appeal submission.
The continued inactivity of the listing is significantly impacting our business operations, and we're eager to resolve this matter promptly.
Could anyone who has experienced a similar situation or has insights into resolving this matter kindly advise on the necessary steps we need to take? Your guidance and assistance would be immensely appreciated
Related CASE ID: 14960130981
@SEAmod Can you give some insight on this issue? This just happened to us as well, and I am trying to understand the reasoning.
Hello @Seller_igfNsZHp7U6lNand @Seller_f4a7xAPCCSMqD
I am seeing what I can find out about this issue. Stay tuned.
Hi @Seller_igfNsZHp7U6lN
I have requested a resolution so your ASIN will be reactivated and available for FBA sales.
The level of ineptitude within Amazon is amazing and growing. I understand your plight and it will be a long fight or annoying fight against the willfully ignorant doing what they can to pass the problem to someone else and wash their hands of you.
Amazon employees could care less about your livelihood..well the ones that make the actual decisions that is.
Re-list your ASIN. It will show something like "add an offer". Do that. If you can't do FBA, select Fulfill by Merchant.
Yes, I know, it doesn't really make sense to re-list and add an offer to an ASIN that's already yours, but do it. It doesn't make sense to select FBM when you have FBA inventory, but do it. No one ever said the system made sense.
If you can edit your listing for any violation, do it again at this stage. Even if you've done it before, do it again here. Save. Since you have an accepted appeal, it should come back live within an hour or so. Then you can promptly switch back to FBA to resolve your stranded inventory.
Not saying it'll work for everyone, but this is what we did after appeal was accepted but listings were still down.