New Seller Community Digest (February 12th edition)
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New Seller Community Digest (February 12th edition)


Catch up on what's been shared by fellow communities across the forum over the last couple of weeks! Spend a few minutes taking a look at the below and learn how to change your store name, find out what deferred transactions are, how to contact Seller Support and more!

  • Changing your store name: Do you ever wonder how you can change your store name? You can do it this in Seller Central and its super easy.

We hope this collection of recently posted content helped you learn something new this week! Let us know below which you liked and what other pieces of to content or topics you'd like to see here in the New Seller Community. We'd love to hear from you!


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Tags:Feedback for Amazon, Tutorials
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In reply to: CR_Amazon's post

Love the continuation of these digest @CR_Amazon! Thanks for continuing to build them out for our new sellers. They are also super helpful for us Community Managers. Have a great weekend! 😊 ~ Cooper_Amazon

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