Read onlyHow does one use the "Report Abuse" to report violations of policies without receiving an automated reply from Amazon:
"Thank you for your report of a suspected policy violation. We cannot take action on the report as no violation has been identified on the reported B0D62JCV3T for the violation type selected."
The violations being reported match the description below the selection of violation category, even after choosing other forms of violations and reporting on different infractions, the reply is still the same.
I could understand maybe my selection was incorrect, if so then Amazon could give an option that would best match my report. But the email reply is instant, there is no review what so ever, the moment the message of: " Thank you for submitting your report. Please check your email for additional details." The Automated message is sent to my inbox.
Not that reporting is doing anything, since it's the same violations of binding reviews of other products to a listing using different methods but the result is the same. Amazon gives a small slap on the wrist and we continue the cycle of violations, reporting the violation, Amazon doing nothing or does the bare minimum according to their whim, the seller holds off for a few hours and rebinds the reviews.
So am I using the "Report Abuse" wrong or are some products just automaticly protected regardless of how many violations they have.
It seems almost as though the "Report Abuse" might as well not exist, so Amazon can save the money and man power since we all know they need it.
Is this not a variations violations? And there is a 2nd page. How many reports and emails to is enough for corrective actions? There are more btw, if any Amazon staff could help escalating the report I would be glad to provide the nessesary information.
This seller is only doing this with one product. Could I report sellers that are doing this with multiple listings? For some, even after Amazon closed their listing for the violations, they manage to create a listing of the exactly the same product and continue on like nothing happened. Is suspending or banning those sellers possible?
Hello @Seller_jbbTrwzUTwZ3G
Thanks for reaching out to Amazon Forums and providing visibility for this issue. The correct mechanism to report abuse from other sellers is via the Report abuse section as you mentioned. For additional information please refer to our Report a violation help page.
Sellers are responsible for complying with all laws, regulations, and Amazon policies when listing products. Amazon encourages sellers to report listing abuse or seller violations of Amazon's policies or applicable law. Our team thoroughly investigates all reports.