Read onlyearlier this week I posted that I no longer see my DVD and CD approvals under category and I was approved probably 2 or more years ago, whenever they gated those categories.
the first SS rep I spoke to said he/she looked at my account and I was not approved in these categories according to whatever they were looking at. Then they wanted me to send screen shots of the approval notices I got through seller central but of course those don’t go back that far.
I finally gave up and had them call me. Someone did call and said that she could still see my approvals on her side even though they don’t appear to me in my category approvals.
She then told me that I can figure out which categories I have approval in by going to the add-a-product tool category browsing tree, and if there were any padlock symbols next to a category, that meant I was not approved for that category.
SO I look at the add a product tool, and the ONLY category it shows me as not being approved for is Collectiblles and Fine Art. However, I have no padlock symbol next to clothing, grocery, etc…categories I have never applied to and which I assume I do NOT have approval in, despite there being no padlock symbol next to those categories.
Can anyone explain what is going on? Did the SS rep give me bad information about how to figure out which categories I am approved in, or do longtime sellers get ungated in most categories after a decent tenure here?
Do those of you that do not have DVD/CD category approval see padlock symbols next to those categories when you try to add such a product?
As far as all of the ungating, there’s “a thing” happening today…
Several threads on this with more info.
You might have to wait for this to resolve before you can get the rest of your questions answered, but have you also looked in Selling applications?
I don’t think length of time here is factoring into it.
Mine shows locks in CDs, collectibles/fine art, Movies & TV–nothing else. I know I’m approved for clothing so, when I drill down further, Watches is locked. Tried a couple others, as my understanding was that Jewelry and Shoes required approval. Those do not show a lock. Not that I wish to sell anything there.
I did notice that, at the bottom of the page it says “We’re working on a new experience for this section of Seller Central”. Maybe that’s affecting it.
They’ve probably started the annual practice of changing everything before the holidays, so things will be ‘glitchy’. That, at least, is something consistent.
JMO, but what do I know?
I have never sought DVD/CD approvals, and yes, I am padlocked in both of those categories, as well as Collectibles. I checked and am padlocked in literally all subcategories for all three of these.
There are padlocks for other subcategories in ungated categories (not surprisingly), and I’m sure that if I tried to list certain brands or on certain ASINs in ungated subcategories, I would find those to be gated.
i guess everything is working as it should…i just didn’t realize so many categories have become ungated…Scientific/Industrial, clothing, etc. I still thought groceries were gated but I guess that’s not correct either.