Problem concerns defect to the order from DE market


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Problem concerns defect to the order from DE market

Problem concerns defect to the order from DE market

Displaying all orders with defects between 11 Nov and 17 Nov

Order ID:


The customer opens a claim A-Z, because he does not receive a refund after sending the goods back.

My request:

In this case, I am not talking about the refund myself, but I want to remove the ODR.

Due to Amazon's obvious mistake, I expect the defect to be removed from the above orders, i.e. these orders I cannot influence my ODR - Order Defect Rate.

The basis of my appeal:

This refund should have been made by Amazon, because the customer bought a return label from Amazon, so the return was subject to the RFS procedure Amazon Refund at First Scan

Excerpt from the RFS policy:

The refund process should be carried out in accordance with the Amazon Refund at First Scan (RFS) policy. This means that the money should be refunded automatically after the customer uses the label received from Amazon. For reasons unknown to us, this did not happen, i.e. the customer did not receive the refund and as a result opened an A to Z case.

In view of the obvious mistake, Amazon expects the defect to be removed from the above orders, i.e. this order cannot affect my ODR - Order Defect Rate.

The case is obvious and indisputable, because Amazon did not fulfill its obligations.

I emphasize that I do not dispute the fact that the customer correctly returned the goods, so of course he is entitled to the money.

However, I dispute the fact that the defect was recorded on my account and the claim was included in the ODR (Order Defect Rate) and I demand that it be deleted. These claims cannot be charged to my ODR, because I was not responsible for the refund in both cases.

What I expect from you is:

First, to send these cases once again to the A-Z department with a detailed presentation of the described problem and my demands, and a request for an urgent explanation of the reason why, despite the obvious error on Amazon's side, my account was wrongly charged with two defects.

Secondly, I ask the A-Z department to explain why they are rejecting my appeals, when the case is obvious and indisputable, Amazon's error, not mine, caused the lack of refunds to customers who correctly returned the goods.

The responses to appeals that I receive are absolutely unacceptable,

Reply to case 306-5434595-4376350, quote:

<Thank you for taking the time to provide us with more information regarding your claim on order 306-5434595-4376350. Upon further review, we have decided to uphold our original decision.

Why was my appeal denied?

We have reviewed all available information and determined the merchandise for the order was correctly returned and you have received the return. The DPD tracking number is 09446214943223. Because you did not refund the order, the claim amount has been debited from your seller account.>

I emphasize that I do not question the correctness of the return of the goods, I do question the fact that the defect was recorded on my account, in a situation where Amazon was responsible for the refund, so I demand that this defect be removed immediately.

I am not asking for a refund, but for the defect to be rectified, as there were no violations of Amazon's platform rules on my part.

Yours sincerely,

Rafal Matuszczyk

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Tags:Account Health
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Muss ich trotzdem Erstattungen für Warenrücksendungen durchführen, für die nach dem ersten Scan keine Erstattung erfolgt ist?

Ja. Bei Warenrücksendungen, für die keine Erstattung nach dem ersten Scan erfolgt, müssen Sie innerhalb von 2 Werktagen nach Erhalt der Rücksendung eine Erstattung veranlassen. Andernfalls veranlassen wir möglicherweise in Ihrem Namen eine Erstattung in Übereinstimmung mit unseren Rückgabebedingungen .

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Hallo @Seller_KVDUKy9DEKliL,

habe deinen Fall zur erneuten Überprüfung weitergeleitet.

Beste Grüße,


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Hi @Seller_KVDUKy9DEKliL,

I have sent your claim for a second review, however, the decision cannot be reversed.



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