Read onlyIs anyone having search suppressed issues with Nike Products?
The forum has many many Nike threads.
Some sellers are suspended, some at risk, some have only lost product and funds.
Do not attempt to sell Nike on Amazon. If you have send Nike inventory to Amazon for FBA, get it back if you can. Otherwise it will be seized.
Hi @Seller_WpWPXsmaIfwoq,
I'm sorry you are having issues with your products being search suppressed. There are many reasons products might be search suppressed but in order to investigate I will need more details. Please reply with your most recent Seller Support Case and I will review further. Thank you for your understanding.
No but we are getting a handful every week we no longer waste time trying to fix if we are only seller we delete our inventory and sell on a different platform we can no keep wasting time on issues caused by Amazon.
Our sales plummeted by over 100% overnight, leaving us wanting to understand the significant drop. Upon investigation, we discovered that not only were many Nike listings being suppressed, but also the variations were being separated. I suspect a serious internal error on Amazon's part, but they are unwilling to take responsibility.