Read onlyAmazon makes me apply for permission to sell the book. In order to get permission I need to provide an invoice issued in the past six months.
Really? for a book published in 1984?
Sounds like Amazon has decided to exit the used book business.
Amazon has made deals with some publishers. I recently had an out of print children's book from the 1960s, which Rand McNally (let's name names here) would not let me list w/o invoice. This is not only thuggish dog-in-the-manger behavior, but very sad for the author that RM is trying to obliterate from the used market.
Hi there @Seller_lyztNmXC2vTOc,
In general Amazon requires sources of inventory to ensure the authenticity of products. If you aren't able to provide an invoice or the provenance of your inventory, you may not be able to apply to list a product requiring approval. This includes books. I'm sorry for any difficulties this creates. Thank you for your understanding.