Read onlyHello Sellers,
Welcome to our Ask Amazon focused on the FBA Send To Amazon shipping workflow. The Send To Amazon Workflow is currently available to all FBA Sellers and will become the only available workflow for FBA sellers to use beginning September 1, 2022.
We invite you to begin by clicking here to view a quick video and key Seller Questions and Amazon Answers from the forums. After viewing the videos and FAQ, join the conversation below using this Ask Amazon thread. The video highlights the many benefits of the efficient five step workflow and answers some frequently asked questions.
We’ll leave this topic open today until 5 pm PST. You can post any questions you have as a reply, we ask you to keep it to one question per reply. If a question you have has already been posted, give it a like and we’ll make sure to prioritize the most popular questions first. We have moderators closely watching this thread throughout the day, and they may merge posts with similar questions so we can answer them all in one place. In the meantime, our product assurance team is reviewing your questions and we’ll respond to them by 5 pm PST tomorrow (June 29th). Questions asked in languages other than English may take longer than 24 hours to translate and answer.
We are working to provide you with the best Seller Forums experience as possible. We welcome all feedback surrounding Ask Amazon’s so that we can continue to improve your experience.
Link referenced in the video portion of the event and help pages:
Step 1 - Choose inventory to send
Step 1b - Pack individual units
Step 2 - Confirm shipping
Step 3 - Print box labels
Step 4 - Confirm carrier and pallet information (for pallet shipments only)
Step 5 — Print pallet labels
Hi, will you be allowing 2d barcodes in the workflow, they aren’t visible currently?
The first obvious question us sellers want to know is why are you not allowing both systems if they work for everyone involved? Forcing sellers into one system simply creates havoc and a lot of issues that many others will chime in the details I’m certain.
Are we able to remove skus which would push the shipment past the 26 pallets per truckload (Amazon’s maximum) able to be removed during the workflow, or does a shipment need to be restarted from scratch?
What happened to the 2D Barcode push?
Do LTL/FTL shipments seriously need to have box dims and weights put in when these are shipped by the pallet?
Are you going to be able to tell sellers as the box is packed (either via workflow or API) which location that box is going to go to, or are you going to wait until the entire shipment is completed before assigning the warehouse in each “pack group”?
What is the maximum box count per shipment?
How are sellers supposed to create stackable or full pallets of single SKU oversize items, when the ability to select quantities per case have been limited to SPD box limits.
Sellers can no longer ensure LTL quantities are met when shipments are split by a few units making them unstackable due to odd units, and/or not LTL minimums eligible anymore.
How do we create single oversize SKU full/stackable pallet LTL shipments without them being split?
Example here.
My company runs into issues when two or more people are creating boxes with the new send to Amazon feature. Effectively they cannot create their own boxes separately which causes problems. How can two or more people work on different shipments at the same time?
The old workflow let me choose “case packs” or “individual units” at the beginning. So I could set contents as case packs of 6, sending 6 of them and then at the shipping part, 36 units in 1 box (since I only need 1 UPS label). The new workflow does not seem to let me differentiate between how they are packed and how they are shipped and implies I should just enter sending 36 individual units in 1 box.
Not a fan of this new workflow. Forcing it is a problem when there are bugs not worked out. We have trued it twice now.
We have 2 issues to start with this new workflow.
We ship out of one warehouse, with one truck. Using the new workflow has forced us to deliver to do different Amazon distribution locations, even though its LTL. We can’t send a truck to two different states to deliver.
Good morning. Can you please refer me to the documentation with how the older MWS API’s or the newer SP_API interact with this new workflow? What does it mean that shipments will still be able to be created with the API?