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"Related account" suspension after just opening account. Appealed 3 times

Hello! This is my first post here in regards to having my account suspended. I can see that a lot of us are having the same issue where we open amazon seller account and it immediately gets suspended.

I’m a brand new seller on Amazon and I created my seller account on the 16th of February. I opened a professional account and got verified pretty quickly after a couple days.

On the 21st of February without ever selling anything or listing anything my account gets suspended and I get the famous “We found that your account is related to an account that may not be used to sell on our site. As a result, you may no longer sell on” email.

I’ve never sold on Amazon and the email linked to this one is new. After reading a couple of the forums that you guys posted I have a hypothesis and what it could be but not entirely sure as the email is pretty vague in details. These are my 3 appeals one that I sent in earlier today. I don’t want to keep sending them in because it feels like I’m doing my harm then good.

(I get the email and I’m super nervous/stressed about everything that’s going on because I’ve just spent the last couple 4 days purchasing products.)

Submission 1
February 21, 2020 2:41 AM EST

Has your account been deactivated in error?
Hello, I’m not entirely sure why my account got deactivated. I’ve provided
correct information regarding my taxes so I don’t think it’s that. I also just
recently opened an account and I haven’t sold anything yet. Can I be told
what the problem is so I can go by addressing the issue?

It’s been 9 hours since I last appealed. After stress eating my weight in pasta and with a more calm mind I send a more “professional” appeal to what I think the issue(s) could be. I bring up some things that I believe could be the root issue. I call Seller Support and they say to give them to the 24-25th.

Submission 2
February 21, 2020 11:55 PM EST

Additional information
I’ve read some forums and it seems this happens often. I’d like to give you guys some information regarding anything linked to this account info.

This is the first time I’ve ever opened an Amazon Seller Account. I have a regular prime account. Are you guys asking me to link them somehow?

I have recently changed addresses and my FL driver’s license doesn’t recently show where I lived is that the issue?!

I believe one of my roomates also has an amazon prime account where they purchase things but don’t sell anything on here.

I’ve recently made this IIInfinity INC email with google to separate from my personal one.

I used my own computer to login where I live. I’ve used my own credit card. It’s under my bank account number with my address and phone number as well.

Please help me resolve this issue ASAP.

I’ve reviewed all the documents I’ve sent in to make sure they’re all matching credit card, id and bank statements are all in line. After interviewing my roommate I find out that the last person who was here opened an Amazon seller account and it probably got banned/suspended. I also have the same first name as him and I believe this could be an issue as to why my account got flagged. I eat all the ice cream in the fridge and submit another appeal because I haven’t heard back from Seller Performance.

Submission 3
February 25, 2020 12:09 PM EST

Additional information
Good evening , Amazon seller performance team.

After reading a couple of your forums about people who have similar problems I believe I have been able to discover the root cause of what led to my account being suspended.

I’ve taken action by interviewing my roommate about whether someone in this household has opened a seller account years back and she told me they did and probably had their account suspended/banned.

A couple years ago, someone who lived here by the name of EX-ROOMMATE might’ve also opened an Amazon Seller account under this address. This person no longer lives in this address and has been gone for a couple years.

I’m logging in from the same house hold he use to log into and we also share the same first name, this might’ve been something that could’ve flagged the system into thinking it was still him trying to open up another account even though it was years ago. It sounds like there might have been some confusion as to whether or not I was him making a duplicate account but this isn’t the case.

My name is John Rojas and I’ve recently just opened this account only for my use.

In the future I’ll make sure to login from my own devices since I was reading on the forums that logging in from other devices might cause problems. Going forward please message me if there is anything I can do to further resolve any issues that might arise. I can gladly procure any documentation that might help in resolving this as smoothly as possible.

This leads me to this post. I’ve read lots of people speculating that it could be:
-Glitch on Amazons end
-Making an account in EU/Japan market when creating a new account ( Which I’ve done but don’t exactly remember signing up for it since I’m just starting.)
-Someone in your household also having a Seller Account.

If anyone can help me get a reply from Amazon that would be great. If I hear back or get my account reinstated I’ll post about it here. What really scares me is I haven’t heard of anybody getting there account reinstated yet. If you have please reply to this post!

Thanks to @Oneida, @GoFishMedia & a couple others who have also posted similar stories to help get awareness of the current situation.

54 replies
Tags:Prime, USPS
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"Related account" suspension after just opening account. Appealed 3 times

Hello! This is my first post here in regards to having my account suspended. I can see that a lot of us are having the same issue where we open amazon seller account and it immediately gets suspended.

I’m a brand new seller on Amazon and I created my seller account on the 16th of February. I opened a professional account and got verified pretty quickly after a couple days.

On the 21st of February without ever selling anything or listing anything my account gets suspended and I get the famous “We found that your account is related to an account that may not be used to sell on our site. As a result, you may no longer sell on” email.

I’ve never sold on Amazon and the email linked to this one is new. After reading a couple of the forums that you guys posted I have a hypothesis and what it could be but not entirely sure as the email is pretty vague in details. These are my 3 appeals one that I sent in earlier today. I don’t want to keep sending them in because it feels like I’m doing my harm then good.

(I get the email and I’m super nervous/stressed about everything that’s going on because I’ve just spent the last couple 4 days purchasing products.)

Submission 1
February 21, 2020 2:41 AM EST

Has your account been deactivated in error?
Hello, I’m not entirely sure why my account got deactivated. I’ve provided
correct information regarding my taxes so I don’t think it’s that. I also just
recently opened an account and I haven’t sold anything yet. Can I be told
what the problem is so I can go by addressing the issue?

It’s been 9 hours since I last appealed. After stress eating my weight in pasta and with a more calm mind I send a more “professional” appeal to what I think the issue(s) could be. I bring up some things that I believe could be the root issue. I call Seller Support and they say to give them to the 24-25th.

Submission 2
February 21, 2020 11:55 PM EST

Additional information
I’ve read some forums and it seems this happens often. I’d like to give you guys some information regarding anything linked to this account info.

This is the first time I’ve ever opened an Amazon Seller Account. I have a regular prime account. Are you guys asking me to link them somehow?

I have recently changed addresses and my FL driver’s license doesn’t recently show where I lived is that the issue?!

I believe one of my roomates also has an amazon prime account where they purchase things but don’t sell anything on here.

I’ve recently made this IIInfinity INC email with google to separate from my personal one.

I used my own computer to login where I live. I’ve used my own credit card. It’s under my bank account number with my address and phone number as well.

Please help me resolve this issue ASAP.

I’ve reviewed all the documents I’ve sent in to make sure they’re all matching credit card, id and bank statements are all in line. After interviewing my roommate I find out that the last person who was here opened an Amazon seller account and it probably got banned/suspended. I also have the same first name as him and I believe this could be an issue as to why my account got flagged. I eat all the ice cream in the fridge and submit another appeal because I haven’t heard back from Seller Performance.

Submission 3
February 25, 2020 12:09 PM EST

Additional information
Good evening , Amazon seller performance team.

After reading a couple of your forums about people who have similar problems I believe I have been able to discover the root cause of what led to my account being suspended.

I’ve taken action by interviewing my roommate about whether someone in this household has opened a seller account years back and she told me they did and probably had their account suspended/banned.

A couple years ago, someone who lived here by the name of EX-ROOMMATE might’ve also opened an Amazon Seller account under this address. This person no longer lives in this address and has been gone for a couple years.

I’m logging in from the same house hold he use to log into and we also share the same first name, this might’ve been something that could’ve flagged the system into thinking it was still him trying to open up another account even though it was years ago. It sounds like there might have been some confusion as to whether or not I was him making a duplicate account but this isn’t the case.

My name is John Rojas and I’ve recently just opened this account only for my use.

In the future I’ll make sure to login from my own devices since I was reading on the forums that logging in from other devices might cause problems. Going forward please message me if there is anything I can do to further resolve any issues that might arise. I can gladly procure any documentation that might help in resolving this as smoothly as possible.

This leads me to this post. I’ve read lots of people speculating that it could be:
-Glitch on Amazons end
-Making an account in EU/Japan market when creating a new account ( Which I’ve done but don’t exactly remember signing up for it since I’m just starting.)
-Someone in your household also having a Seller Account.

If anyone can help me get a reply from Amazon that would be great. If I hear back or get my account reinstated I’ll post about it here. What really scares me is I haven’t heard of anybody getting there account reinstated yet. If you have please reply to this post!

Thanks to @Oneida, @GoFishMedia & a couple others who have also posted similar stories to help get awareness of the current situation.

Tags:Prime, USPS
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Have you received any responses to your POAs? You have to wait for a response before resubmitting. If you keep contacting them without giving them time to reply, they will mark all of your messages as spam.

It can take 30+ days for a response. Based on how you described them, your first two appeals were wasted opportunities. You do not have unlimited appeals.

While you wait patiently for a response, paste your third appeal here for feedback.

user profile

“It’s been 9 hours since I last appealed” - So this is really Submission 2? Also it’s not anything that would get you reinstated.

This could be …

All these submissions were to much, and most likely pushed you back in line.

user profile

So, I got another email on the 26th saying pretty much the same thing. However it feels like they’ve read the first 3 messages I sent and I don’t think it’s the issue with the other roommate who use to live here.

It seems if it was they would’ve brought it up. However after getting the same email from the 21st I’m not sure what else I can do to remedy this situation. I do see that the appeal button works again and I can now continue to submit additional information.

Do all these pending European accounts mean that I didn’t continue to fill out a form of some sort?

If these things aren’t the issue. What’s the best way to continue to take action and get my account reinstated!? Where you would go from here if you were in my shoes?


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@Oneida (Thanks again for all your help!) As per your suggestion what is the best way to finish reinstating these accounts? I’ve tried closing them but I don’t think it’ll let me since it’s basically saying I have to get rid of the suspension first.

I tried calling Customer support to see if they have any information I could use. I called them and asked if they had any accounts opened with the same phone number/address/past emails I use and said they didn’t really find any.


This might be one of the dumber questions I’ve asked but is it asking me for documents of where I currently live (Miami, FL) or Europe? It honestly feels like this is the only reason why I got flagged and the quickest way to get reactivated.

user profile

Alright guys I’ve sent in my national ID number to verify through Amazon EU to see if I can verify it then close it. It says it should take 24 hours for them to get back to me but then they immediately emailed me this post me updating that information.

While that’s going on I’ve made a POA @AndThenSome & @Oneida . Let me know what you guys think of it!

Dear, Amazon Performance Team
Thanks for giving me another opportunity to appeal Amazon’s decision. According to section 3 of Amazon’s business solutions agreement, my account was found related to another account.

What happened:

On February 16th I opened a seller account on the NA marketplace. I registered by mistake through Global Selling on the EU Marketplace. February 17th my NA account went successfully through Seller Identity verification and was approved on the same day. on February 21st As per Amazon new Global Selling policy on linked accounts in different marketplaces, my North American account was also suspended as it was found related to my suspended EU account.

Resolving the issue

I have provided Amazon EU with more billing information so they can verify my account. As this account was opened by mistake I’d like to close it. This will be done as soon as my account is reinstated.

Going forward

I will not have any other seller accounts suspended in another regions. I’ve also made sure that I don’t have any other seller accounts within any regions without first asking for Amazons approval.


I tried to make it as short and sweet as possible.

user profile

They can take up to a month? Seriously?
Do we have to continuously pay subscription fee until they look into our case?

I cannot downgrade one of my market place until they settle the issue.
Can anyone give a suggestion?

I have a similar problem, but it was my foolishness.

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I am having the same problem. Interstingly, we opened our accounts around the same time. My account name is very similar to yours, Infinte Prosperity Sales LLC. I have tried google search every way I can to see if there is a seller with a name evn close to mine… not sure if this is a coincidence or not. I was able to send my first appeal with a copy of my LLC agreement, state and federal registration docs. I received a second letter asking for my business license and utility bills. 3rd letter from them states now I am denied for violation of section 3 in seller rules. Section 3, in my opinion states they suspect a fraudulet account or I have sold damaging products. Since I have yet to list or sell a single product, I can only guess they suspect a fraudulent account. They did not offer any other help or futher resolution. The letter stated they may not respond to further communications from me.

user profile

So, we need to keep paying subscription fee at 39.99USD monthly until they look into our appeal paper?
That’s quite beneficial, I’d say.

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I am dealing with this problem from Dec 2019. Today we received a recommendation from Amazon seller forum team member to appeal all deactivated accounts and as soon all are active, we can reach out to US account team. However, I opened all accounts out of the US by a mistake and don’t want to reactivate any of them. I need only the US account. The appeal is to reactivate the account but I want to close them all and leave only US account. Do you know what is the process? Can I ask them to close my account by using the appeal box? Can I close all accounts from settings and reach out to US team?

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I recommend taking a look at this topic. Please let me know if it is helpful!

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"Related account" suspension after just opening account. Appealed 3 times

Hello! This is my first post here in regards to having my account suspended. I can see that a lot of us are having the same issue where we open amazon seller account and it immediately gets suspended.

I’m a brand new seller on Amazon and I created my seller account on the 16th of February. I opened a professional account and got verified pretty quickly after a couple days.

On the 21st of February without ever selling anything or listing anything my account gets suspended and I get the famous “We found that your account is related to an account that may not be used to sell on our site. As a result, you may no longer sell on” email.

I’ve never sold on Amazon and the email linked to this one is new. After reading a couple of the forums that you guys posted I have a hypothesis and what it could be but not entirely sure as the email is pretty vague in details. These are my 3 appeals one that I sent in earlier today. I don’t want to keep sending them in because it feels like I’m doing my harm then good.

(I get the email and I’m super nervous/stressed about everything that’s going on because I’ve just spent the last couple 4 days purchasing products.)

Submission 1
February 21, 2020 2:41 AM EST

Has your account been deactivated in error?
Hello, I’m not entirely sure why my account got deactivated. I’ve provided
correct information regarding my taxes so I don’t think it’s that. I also just
recently opened an account and I haven’t sold anything yet. Can I be told
what the problem is so I can go by addressing the issue?

It’s been 9 hours since I last appealed. After stress eating my weight in pasta and with a more calm mind I send a more “professional” appeal to what I think the issue(s) could be. I bring up some things that I believe could be the root issue. I call Seller Support and they say to give them to the 24-25th.

Submission 2
February 21, 2020 11:55 PM EST

Additional information
I’ve read some forums and it seems this happens often. I’d like to give you guys some information regarding anything linked to this account info.

This is the first time I’ve ever opened an Amazon Seller Account. I have a regular prime account. Are you guys asking me to link them somehow?

I have recently changed addresses and my FL driver’s license doesn’t recently show where I lived is that the issue?!

I believe one of my roomates also has an amazon prime account where they purchase things but don’t sell anything on here.

I’ve recently made this IIInfinity INC email with google to separate from my personal one.

I used my own computer to login where I live. I’ve used my own credit card. It’s under my bank account number with my address and phone number as well.

Please help me resolve this issue ASAP.

I’ve reviewed all the documents I’ve sent in to make sure they’re all matching credit card, id and bank statements are all in line. After interviewing my roommate I find out that the last person who was here opened an Amazon seller account and it probably got banned/suspended. I also have the same first name as him and I believe this could be an issue as to why my account got flagged. I eat all the ice cream in the fridge and submit another appeal because I haven’t heard back from Seller Performance.

Submission 3
February 25, 2020 12:09 PM EST

Additional information
Good evening , Amazon seller performance team.

After reading a couple of your forums about people who have similar problems I believe I have been able to discover the root cause of what led to my account being suspended.

I’ve taken action by interviewing my roommate about whether someone in this household has opened a seller account years back and she told me they did and probably had their account suspended/banned.

A couple years ago, someone who lived here by the name of EX-ROOMMATE might’ve also opened an Amazon Seller account under this address. This person no longer lives in this address and has been gone for a couple years.

I’m logging in from the same house hold he use to log into and we also share the same first name, this might’ve been something that could’ve flagged the system into thinking it was still him trying to open up another account even though it was years ago. It sounds like there might have been some confusion as to whether or not I was him making a duplicate account but this isn’t the case.

My name is John Rojas and I’ve recently just opened this account only for my use.

In the future I’ll make sure to login from my own devices since I was reading on the forums that logging in from other devices might cause problems. Going forward please message me if there is anything I can do to further resolve any issues that might arise. I can gladly procure any documentation that might help in resolving this as smoothly as possible.

This leads me to this post. I’ve read lots of people speculating that it could be:
-Glitch on Amazons end
-Making an account in EU/Japan market when creating a new account ( Which I’ve done but don’t exactly remember signing up for it since I’m just starting.)
-Someone in your household also having a Seller Account.

If anyone can help me get a reply from Amazon that would be great. If I hear back or get my account reinstated I’ll post about it here. What really scares me is I haven’t heard of anybody getting there account reinstated yet. If you have please reply to this post!

Thanks to @Oneida, @GoFishMedia & a couple others who have also posted similar stories to help get awareness of the current situation.

54 replies
Tags:Prime, USPS
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"Related account" suspension after just opening account. Appealed 3 times

Hello! This is my first post here in regards to having my account suspended. I can see that a lot of us are having the same issue where we open amazon seller account and it immediately gets suspended.

I’m a brand new seller on Amazon and I created my seller account on the 16th of February. I opened a professional account and got verified pretty quickly after a couple days.

On the 21st of February without ever selling anything or listing anything my account gets suspended and I get the famous “We found that your account is related to an account that may not be used to sell on our site. As a result, you may no longer sell on” email.

I’ve never sold on Amazon and the email linked to this one is new. After reading a couple of the forums that you guys posted I have a hypothesis and what it could be but not entirely sure as the email is pretty vague in details. These are my 3 appeals one that I sent in earlier today. I don’t want to keep sending them in because it feels like I’m doing my harm then good.

(I get the email and I’m super nervous/stressed about everything that’s going on because I’ve just spent the last couple 4 days purchasing products.)

Submission 1
February 21, 2020 2:41 AM EST

Has your account been deactivated in error?
Hello, I’m not entirely sure why my account got deactivated. I’ve provided
correct information regarding my taxes so I don’t think it’s that. I also just
recently opened an account and I haven’t sold anything yet. Can I be told
what the problem is so I can go by addressing the issue?

It’s been 9 hours since I last appealed. After stress eating my weight in pasta and with a more calm mind I send a more “professional” appeal to what I think the issue(s) could be. I bring up some things that I believe could be the root issue. I call Seller Support and they say to give them to the 24-25th.

Submission 2
February 21, 2020 11:55 PM EST

Additional information
I’ve read some forums and it seems this happens often. I’d like to give you guys some information regarding anything linked to this account info.

This is the first time I’ve ever opened an Amazon Seller Account. I have a regular prime account. Are you guys asking me to link them somehow?

I have recently changed addresses and my FL driver’s license doesn’t recently show where I lived is that the issue?!

I believe one of my roomates also has an amazon prime account where they purchase things but don’t sell anything on here.

I’ve recently made this IIInfinity INC email with google to separate from my personal one.

I used my own computer to login where I live. I’ve used my own credit card. It’s under my bank account number with my address and phone number as well.

Please help me resolve this issue ASAP.

I’ve reviewed all the documents I’ve sent in to make sure they’re all matching credit card, id and bank statements are all in line. After interviewing my roommate I find out that the last person who was here opened an Amazon seller account and it probably got banned/suspended. I also have the same first name as him and I believe this could be an issue as to why my account got flagged. I eat all the ice cream in the fridge and submit another appeal because I haven’t heard back from Seller Performance.

Submission 3
February 25, 2020 12:09 PM EST

Additional information
Good evening , Amazon seller performance team.

After reading a couple of your forums about people who have similar problems I believe I have been able to discover the root cause of what led to my account being suspended.

I’ve taken action by interviewing my roommate about whether someone in this household has opened a seller account years back and she told me they did and probably had their account suspended/banned.

A couple years ago, someone who lived here by the name of EX-ROOMMATE might’ve also opened an Amazon Seller account under this address. This person no longer lives in this address and has been gone for a couple years.

I’m logging in from the same house hold he use to log into and we also share the same first name, this might’ve been something that could’ve flagged the system into thinking it was still him trying to open up another account even though it was years ago. It sounds like there might have been some confusion as to whether or not I was him making a duplicate account but this isn’t the case.

My name is John Rojas and I’ve recently just opened this account only for my use.

In the future I’ll make sure to login from my own devices since I was reading on the forums that logging in from other devices might cause problems. Going forward please message me if there is anything I can do to further resolve any issues that might arise. I can gladly procure any documentation that might help in resolving this as smoothly as possible.

This leads me to this post. I’ve read lots of people speculating that it could be:
-Glitch on Amazons end
-Making an account in EU/Japan market when creating a new account ( Which I’ve done but don’t exactly remember signing up for it since I’m just starting.)
-Someone in your household also having a Seller Account.

If anyone can help me get a reply from Amazon that would be great. If I hear back or get my account reinstated I’ll post about it here. What really scares me is I haven’t heard of anybody getting there account reinstated yet. If you have please reply to this post!

Thanks to @Oneida, @GoFishMedia & a couple others who have also posted similar stories to help get awareness of the current situation.

Tags:Prime, USPS
54 replies
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"Related account" suspension after just opening account. Appealed 3 times

by Seller_AvqJAQ6KyeXmv

Hello! This is my first post here in regards to having my account suspended. I can see that a lot of us are having the same issue where we open amazon seller account and it immediately gets suspended.

I’m a brand new seller on Amazon and I created my seller account on the 16th of February. I opened a professional account and got verified pretty quickly after a couple days.

On the 21st of February without ever selling anything or listing anything my account gets suspended and I get the famous “We found that your account is related to an account that may not be used to sell on our site. As a result, you may no longer sell on” email.

I’ve never sold on Amazon and the email linked to this one is new. After reading a couple of the forums that you guys posted I have a hypothesis and what it could be but not entirely sure as the email is pretty vague in details. These are my 3 appeals one that I sent in earlier today. I don’t want to keep sending them in because it feels like I’m doing my harm then good.

(I get the email and I’m super nervous/stressed about everything that’s going on because I’ve just spent the last couple 4 days purchasing products.)

Submission 1
February 21, 2020 2:41 AM EST

Has your account been deactivated in error?
Hello, I’m not entirely sure why my account got deactivated. I’ve provided
correct information regarding my taxes so I don’t think it’s that. I also just
recently opened an account and I haven’t sold anything yet. Can I be told
what the problem is so I can go by addressing the issue?

It’s been 9 hours since I last appealed. After stress eating my weight in pasta and with a more calm mind I send a more “professional” appeal to what I think the issue(s) could be. I bring up some things that I believe could be the root issue. I call Seller Support and they say to give them to the 24-25th.

Submission 2
February 21, 2020 11:55 PM EST

Additional information
I’ve read some forums and it seems this happens often. I’d like to give you guys some information regarding anything linked to this account info.

This is the first time I’ve ever opened an Amazon Seller Account. I have a regular prime account. Are you guys asking me to link them somehow?

I have recently changed addresses and my FL driver’s license doesn’t recently show where I lived is that the issue?!

I believe one of my roomates also has an amazon prime account where they purchase things but don’t sell anything on here.

I’ve recently made this IIInfinity INC email with google to separate from my personal one.

I used my own computer to login where I live. I’ve used my own credit card. It’s under my bank account number with my address and phone number as well.

Please help me resolve this issue ASAP.

I’ve reviewed all the documents I’ve sent in to make sure they’re all matching credit card, id and bank statements are all in line. After interviewing my roommate I find out that the last person who was here opened an Amazon seller account and it probably got banned/suspended. I also have the same first name as him and I believe this could be an issue as to why my account got flagged. I eat all the ice cream in the fridge and submit another appeal because I haven’t heard back from Seller Performance.

Submission 3
February 25, 2020 12:09 PM EST

Additional information
Good evening , Amazon seller performance team.

After reading a couple of your forums about people who have similar problems I believe I have been able to discover the root cause of what led to my account being suspended.

I’ve taken action by interviewing my roommate about whether someone in this household has opened a seller account years back and she told me they did and probably had their account suspended/banned.

A couple years ago, someone who lived here by the name of EX-ROOMMATE might’ve also opened an Amazon Seller account under this address. This person no longer lives in this address and has been gone for a couple years.

I’m logging in from the same house hold he use to log into and we also share the same first name, this might’ve been something that could’ve flagged the system into thinking it was still him trying to open up another account even though it was years ago. It sounds like there might have been some confusion as to whether or not I was him making a duplicate account but this isn’t the case.

My name is John Rojas and I’ve recently just opened this account only for my use.

In the future I’ll make sure to login from my own devices since I was reading on the forums that logging in from other devices might cause problems. Going forward please message me if there is anything I can do to further resolve any issues that might arise. I can gladly procure any documentation that might help in resolving this as smoothly as possible.

This leads me to this post. I’ve read lots of people speculating that it could be:
-Glitch on Amazons end
-Making an account in EU/Japan market when creating a new account ( Which I’ve done but don’t exactly remember signing up for it since I’m just starting.)
-Someone in your household also having a Seller Account.

If anyone can help me get a reply from Amazon that would be great. If I hear back or get my account reinstated I’ll post about it here. What really scares me is I haven’t heard of anybody getting there account reinstated yet. If you have please reply to this post!

Thanks to @Oneida, @GoFishMedia & a couple others who have also posted similar stories to help get awareness of the current situation.

Tags:Prime, USPS
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Have you received any responses to your POAs? You have to wait for a response before resubmitting. If you keep contacting them without giving them time to reply, they will mark all of your messages as spam.

It can take 30+ days for a response. Based on how you described them, your first two appeals were wasted opportunities. You do not have unlimited appeals.

While you wait patiently for a response, paste your third appeal here for feedback.

user profile

“It’s been 9 hours since I last appealed” - So this is really Submission 2? Also it’s not anything that would get you reinstated.

This could be …

All these submissions were to much, and most likely pushed you back in line.

user profile

So, I got another email on the 26th saying pretty much the same thing. However it feels like they’ve read the first 3 messages I sent and I don’t think it’s the issue with the other roommate who use to live here.

It seems if it was they would’ve brought it up. However after getting the same email from the 21st I’m not sure what else I can do to remedy this situation. I do see that the appeal button works again and I can now continue to submit additional information.

Do all these pending European accounts mean that I didn’t continue to fill out a form of some sort?

If these things aren’t the issue. What’s the best way to continue to take action and get my account reinstated!? Where you would go from here if you were in my shoes?


user profile

@Oneida (Thanks again for all your help!) As per your suggestion what is the best way to finish reinstating these accounts? I’ve tried closing them but I don’t think it’ll let me since it’s basically saying I have to get rid of the suspension first.

I tried calling Customer support to see if they have any information I could use. I called them and asked if they had any accounts opened with the same phone number/address/past emails I use and said they didn’t really find any.


This might be one of the dumber questions I’ve asked but is it asking me for documents of where I currently live (Miami, FL) or Europe? It honestly feels like this is the only reason why I got flagged and the quickest way to get reactivated.

user profile

Alright guys I’ve sent in my national ID number to verify through Amazon EU to see if I can verify it then close it. It says it should take 24 hours for them to get back to me but then they immediately emailed me this post me updating that information.

While that’s going on I’ve made a POA @AndThenSome & @Oneida . Let me know what you guys think of it!

Dear, Amazon Performance Team
Thanks for giving me another opportunity to appeal Amazon’s decision. According to section 3 of Amazon’s business solutions agreement, my account was found related to another account.

What happened:

On February 16th I opened a seller account on the NA marketplace. I registered by mistake through Global Selling on the EU Marketplace. February 17th my NA account went successfully through Seller Identity verification and was approved on the same day. on February 21st As per Amazon new Global Selling policy on linked accounts in different marketplaces, my North American account was also suspended as it was found related to my suspended EU account.

Resolving the issue

I have provided Amazon EU with more billing information so they can verify my account. As this account was opened by mistake I’d like to close it. This will be done as soon as my account is reinstated.

Going forward

I will not have any other seller accounts suspended in another regions. I’ve also made sure that I don’t have any other seller accounts within any regions without first asking for Amazons approval.


I tried to make it as short and sweet as possible.

user profile

They can take up to a month? Seriously?
Do we have to continuously pay subscription fee until they look into our case?

I cannot downgrade one of my market place until they settle the issue.
Can anyone give a suggestion?

I have a similar problem, but it was my foolishness.

user profile

I am having the same problem. Interstingly, we opened our accounts around the same time. My account name is very similar to yours, Infinte Prosperity Sales LLC. I have tried google search every way I can to see if there is a seller with a name evn close to mine… not sure if this is a coincidence or not. I was able to send my first appeal with a copy of my LLC agreement, state and federal registration docs. I received a second letter asking for my business license and utility bills. 3rd letter from them states now I am denied for violation of section 3 in seller rules. Section 3, in my opinion states they suspect a fraudulet account or I have sold damaging products. Since I have yet to list or sell a single product, I can only guess they suspect a fraudulent account. They did not offer any other help or futher resolution. The letter stated they may not respond to further communications from me.

user profile

So, we need to keep paying subscription fee at 39.99USD monthly until they look into our appeal paper?
That’s quite beneficial, I’d say.

user profile

I am dealing with this problem from Dec 2019. Today we received a recommendation from Amazon seller forum team member to appeal all deactivated accounts and as soon all are active, we can reach out to US account team. However, I opened all accounts out of the US by a mistake and don’t want to reactivate any of them. I need only the US account. The appeal is to reactivate the account but I want to close them all and leave only US account. Do you know what is the process? Can I ask them to close my account by using the appeal box? Can I close all accounts from settings and reach out to US team?

user profile

I recommend taking a look at this topic. Please let me know if it is helpful!

user profile

Have you received any responses to your POAs? You have to wait for a response before resubmitting. If you keep contacting them without giving them time to reply, they will mark all of your messages as spam.

It can take 30+ days for a response. Based on how you described them, your first two appeals were wasted opportunities. You do not have unlimited appeals.

While you wait patiently for a response, paste your third appeal here for feedback.

user profile

Have you received any responses to your POAs? You have to wait for a response before resubmitting. If you keep contacting them without giving them time to reply, they will mark all of your messages as spam.

It can take 30+ days for a response. Based on how you described them, your first two appeals were wasted opportunities. You do not have unlimited appeals.

While you wait patiently for a response, paste your third appeal here for feedback.

user profile

“It’s been 9 hours since I last appealed” - So this is really Submission 2? Also it’s not anything that would get you reinstated.

This could be …

All these submissions were to much, and most likely pushed you back in line.

user profile

“It’s been 9 hours since I last appealed” - So this is really Submission 2? Also it’s not anything that would get you reinstated.

This could be …

All these submissions were to much, and most likely pushed you back in line.

user profile

So, I got another email on the 26th saying pretty much the same thing. However it feels like they’ve read the first 3 messages I sent and I don’t think it’s the issue with the other roommate who use to live here.

It seems if it was they would’ve brought it up. However after getting the same email from the 21st I’m not sure what else I can do to remedy this situation. I do see that the appeal button works again and I can now continue to submit additional information.

Do all these pending European accounts mean that I didn’t continue to fill out a form of some sort?

If these things aren’t the issue. What’s the best way to continue to take action and get my account reinstated!? Where you would go from here if you were in my shoes?


user profile

So, I got another email on the 26th saying pretty much the same thing. However it feels like they’ve read the first 3 messages I sent and I don’t think it’s the issue with the other roommate who use to live here.

It seems if it was they would’ve brought it up. However after getting the same email from the 21st I’m not sure what else I can do to remedy this situation. I do see that the appeal button works again and I can now continue to submit additional information.

Do all these pending European accounts mean that I didn’t continue to fill out a form of some sort?

If these things aren’t the issue. What’s the best way to continue to take action and get my account reinstated!? Where you would go from here if you were in my shoes?


user profile

@Oneida (Thanks again for all your help!) As per your suggestion what is the best way to finish reinstating these accounts? I’ve tried closing them but I don’t think it’ll let me since it’s basically saying I have to get rid of the suspension first.

I tried calling Customer support to see if they have any information I could use. I called them and asked if they had any accounts opened with the same phone number/address/past emails I use and said they didn’t really find any.


This might be one of the dumber questions I’ve asked but is it asking me for documents of where I currently live (Miami, FL) or Europe? It honestly feels like this is the only reason why I got flagged and the quickest way to get reactivated.

user profile

@Oneida (Thanks again for all your help!) As per your suggestion what is the best way to finish reinstating these accounts? I’ve tried closing them but I don’t think it’ll let me since it’s basically saying I have to get rid of the suspension first.

I tried calling Customer support to see if they have any information I could use. I called them and asked if they had any accounts opened with the same phone number/address/past emails I use and said they didn’t really find any.


This might be one of the dumber questions I’ve asked but is it asking me for documents of where I currently live (Miami, FL) or Europe? It honestly feels like this is the only reason why I got flagged and the quickest way to get reactivated.

user profile

Alright guys I’ve sent in my national ID number to verify through Amazon EU to see if I can verify it then close it. It says it should take 24 hours for them to get back to me but then they immediately emailed me this post me updating that information.

While that’s going on I’ve made a POA @AndThenSome & @Oneida . Let me know what you guys think of it!

Dear, Amazon Performance Team
Thanks for giving me another opportunity to appeal Amazon’s decision. According to section 3 of Amazon’s business solutions agreement, my account was found related to another account.

What happened:

On February 16th I opened a seller account on the NA marketplace. I registered by mistake through Global Selling on the EU Marketplace. February 17th my NA account went successfully through Seller Identity verification and was approved on the same day. on February 21st As per Amazon new Global Selling policy on linked accounts in different marketplaces, my North American account was also suspended as it was found related to my suspended EU account.

Resolving the issue

I have provided Amazon EU with more billing information so they can verify my account. As this account was opened by mistake I’d like to close it. This will be done as soon as my account is reinstated.

Going forward

I will not have any other seller accounts suspended in another regions. I’ve also made sure that I don’t have any other seller accounts within any regions without first asking for Amazons approval.


I tried to make it as short and sweet as possible.

user profile

Alright guys I’ve sent in my national ID number to verify through Amazon EU to see if I can verify it then close it. It says it should take 24 hours for them to get back to me but then they immediately emailed me this post me updating that information.

While that’s going on I’ve made a POA @AndThenSome & @Oneida . Let me know what you guys think of it!

Dear, Amazon Performance Team
Thanks for giving me another opportunity to appeal Amazon’s decision. According to section 3 of Amazon’s business solutions agreement, my account was found related to another account.

What happened:

On February 16th I opened a seller account on the NA marketplace. I registered by mistake through Global Selling on the EU Marketplace. February 17th my NA account went successfully through Seller Identity verification and was approved on the same day. on February 21st As per Amazon new Global Selling policy on linked accounts in different marketplaces, my North American account was also suspended as it was found related to my suspended EU account.

Resolving the issue

I have provided Amazon EU with more billing information so they can verify my account. As this account was opened by mistake I’d like to close it. This will be done as soon as my account is reinstated.

Going forward

I will not have any other seller accounts suspended in another regions. I’ve also made sure that I don’t have any other seller accounts within any regions without first asking for Amazons approval.


I tried to make it as short and sweet as possible.

user profile

They can take up to a month? Seriously?
Do we have to continuously pay subscription fee until they look into our case?

I cannot downgrade one of my market place until they settle the issue.
Can anyone give a suggestion?

I have a similar problem, but it was my foolishness.

user profile

They can take up to a month? Seriously?
Do we have to continuously pay subscription fee until they look into our case?

I cannot downgrade one of my market place until they settle the issue.
Can anyone give a suggestion?

I have a similar problem, but it was my foolishness.

user profile

I am having the same problem. Interstingly, we opened our accounts around the same time. My account name is very similar to yours, Infinte Prosperity Sales LLC. I have tried google search every way I can to see if there is a seller with a name evn close to mine… not sure if this is a coincidence or not. I was able to send my first appeal with a copy of my LLC agreement, state and federal registration docs. I received a second letter asking for my business license and utility bills. 3rd letter from them states now I am denied for violation of section 3 in seller rules. Section 3, in my opinion states they suspect a fraudulet account or I have sold damaging products. Since I have yet to list or sell a single product, I can only guess they suspect a fraudulent account. They did not offer any other help or futher resolution. The letter stated they may not respond to further communications from me.

user profile

I am having the same problem. Interstingly, we opened our accounts around the same time. My account name is very similar to yours, Infinte Prosperity Sales LLC. I have tried google search every way I can to see if there is a seller with a name evn close to mine… not sure if this is a coincidence or not. I was able to send my first appeal with a copy of my LLC agreement, state and federal registration docs. I received a second letter asking for my business license and utility bills. 3rd letter from them states now I am denied for violation of section 3 in seller rules. Section 3, in my opinion states they suspect a fraudulet account or I have sold damaging products. Since I have yet to list or sell a single product, I can only guess they suspect a fraudulent account. They did not offer any other help or futher resolution. The letter stated they may not respond to further communications from me.

user profile

So, we need to keep paying subscription fee at 39.99USD monthly until they look into our appeal paper?
That’s quite beneficial, I’d say.

user profile

So, we need to keep paying subscription fee at 39.99USD monthly until they look into our appeal paper?
That’s quite beneficial, I’d say.

user profile

I am dealing with this problem from Dec 2019. Today we received a recommendation from Amazon seller forum team member to appeal all deactivated accounts and as soon all are active, we can reach out to US account team. However, I opened all accounts out of the US by a mistake and don’t want to reactivate any of them. I need only the US account. The appeal is to reactivate the account but I want to close them all and leave only US account. Do you know what is the process? Can I ask them to close my account by using the appeal box? Can I close all accounts from settings and reach out to US team?

user profile

I am dealing with this problem from Dec 2019. Today we received a recommendation from Amazon seller forum team member to appeal all deactivated accounts and as soon all are active, we can reach out to US account team. However, I opened all accounts out of the US by a mistake and don’t want to reactivate any of them. I need only the US account. The appeal is to reactivate the account but I want to close them all and leave only US account. Do you know what is the process? Can I ask them to close my account by using the appeal box? Can I close all accounts from settings and reach out to US team?

user profile

I recommend taking a look at this topic. Please let me know if it is helpful!

user profile

I recommend taking a look at this topic. Please let me know if it is helpful!


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