Read onlySeit 10 Jahren verkaufe ich ein paar Hundert Produkte. Damals war es so, dass ich anstatt der EAN meine Marke in das Feld eingetragen habe. Nun hat sich das anscheinend geändert und es gibt für diese Funktion beim Neuanlegen darunter ein Kästchen zum Anhaken.
Bei meinen ganzen alten Produkten habe ich aber nun ein Problem. Es wird mir ein Fehler bei der EAN/ASIN angezeigt und ich kann dort nichts ändern. Auch wenn ich die Felder frei lasse, lässt sich das Produkt nicht abspeichern und wenn ich die richtige ASIN eintrage, lässt sich das Produkt auch nicht abspeichern.
Nun möchte ich aber am Produkt etwas anderes ändern, geht nicht, da durch diesen EAN Fehler sich die Produkte nicht mehr abspeichern lassen.
Hat da jemand eine Idee?
As far as I understand, you can't match your products under your brand name with your EANs.
In your position ,
1. I might inform Amazon that I don't need the exemption any more, as I have my own EANs as a brand owner with a registered brand name on Amazon .
2. I might ask Amazon to unlock all vital attributes of the Parent and Child Asins, as my products are unique offers under my registered brand name and ask them to let me match my EANs with my existing Child Asins
You should open a case with Brand Registry support team, as it is more dedicated with your issue. Elevate your case until you get an applicable solution.
Tip: Add your EANs only at your home market ( e.g. Amazon.DE) if you use BIL tool, make updates at your listings at your target places only by using your Asins ( not EANs).
Best wishes,
You can not change the brand field for an existing EAN.
To use your brand, you will have to create new SKU with new EAN.
If you are doing FBA, you have to remove inventory and relabel with new EAN.
I do not know another way to do it.
Momentan funktioniert die Produktanlage ohne EANs nur per Flatfile. So isses leider
In addition to my previous reply I would like to post my own experience.
When I made my own listings at the begining, I didn't have my brand registered. Therefore, Amazon didn't let me to list my brand name as it was and afterwards registered .
After my brand registered, I tried hard to change my brand name and set it as it was registered.
The problem was that the system couldn't change the brand name at both Parent asin and child Asins, at the same time , when I tried to make partial update by submitting a flat file and the system didn't apply the changes because of that conflict.
I remember that I get advised by Amazon after several questions and replies, to delete the Parent asin---wait 48 hours----change the brand name of the child asins ----wait 48 hours and then create the Parent Asin and the familly again.
I didn't change anything else ( e.g. EANs, SKUs, FNSKUs e.t.c.)
It worked for me. I wish I knew it before and save so much time spent.
Hi @Seller_s66GKr4h8eDrs,
hast du das Problem mittlerweile lösen können?
Beste Grüße