Read onlyIn a nutshell, I received an IP infringement from Amazon for a counterfeit item submitted by the brand rights owner. reached out to me with a policy warning and complaint ID.
I got in touch with the brand owner, we resolved the issue, they submitted a retraction.
At the suggestion of an Amazon attorney, I emailed notice-disputes after the rights owner told me they submitted a retraction - to ask about the status of the entire situation. Seller performance team replied in a new email (subject: Your Inquiry) telling me they reviewed my appeal and reinstated the listing, giving the corresponding ASIN and complaint ID. The infringement was removed from the performance tab and the listing was no longer blocked - great.
Later that same night emails me saying they could not accept my appeal and that my account may be deactivated if I don’t provide the requested information. What’s strange is they gave a different complaint ID. They also said I need a retraction from the rights owner listed at the bottom of the email - but they didn’t include any names, emails, or even the ASIN. At this point, I have no idea where this other complaint ID and case ID are coming from - let alone what ASIN they are referring to. Since my account has no other infringements, my attorney said it was probably a mistake and to ignore it - that it was a template email sent in response to my status inquiry. That makes sense, EXCEPT the different complaint ID.
Ignoring it sounds like a terrible idea.
Hoping someone has some insight. Any similar experiences?
Since the bot that sent it does not have a clue but is waiting for a response, best to respond. There is a chance that weeks could be spent in tracking down the error if you let it ride. This is not my own experience but I have seen enough cases of software mess-ups to cause me to urge caution.