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New Seller Community

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Have not received promised Advertising Credits

Hi Amazon Team! I hope your day is going well and thanks for your help!

I am having trouble receiving the Advertising Credits I was promised upon signing up for the BBA program and completing the required actions. I was hoping you could help me to get a resolution. I am currently up to over $2000 in ad spend and I am hoping to receive a reimbursement.

I will attach a screenshot of the email I received from the BBA.

Note: It says "Click credits will be disbursed within 2 weeks of the completion of qualifying action of BBA."

Here is what I've completed and the dates (as listed in the email from BBA):

Launches an ads campaign ($1,000)

  • 2/19/2024

Becomes advertising ready ($1,000)

  • 2/19/2024

Registers for FBA ($500)

  • 2/3/2024

Becomes brand registered ($500)

  • 2/12/2024

My case# is 14849697481

Attached is the screenshot of the email from BBA dated 2/18/2024:

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Tags:Advertising, Promotions
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Have not received promised Advertising Credits

Hi Amazon Team! I hope your day is going well and thanks for your help!

I am having trouble receiving the Advertising Credits I was promised upon signing up for the BBA program and completing the required actions. I was hoping you could help me to get a resolution. I am currently up to over $2000 in ad spend and I am hoping to receive a reimbursement.

I will attach a screenshot of the email I received from the BBA.

Note: It says "Click credits will be disbursed within 2 weeks of the completion of qualifying action of BBA."

Here is what I've completed and the dates (as listed in the email from BBA):

Launches an ads campaign ($1,000)

  • 2/19/2024

Becomes advertising ready ($1,000)

  • 2/19/2024

Registers for FBA ($500)

  • 2/3/2024

Becomes brand registered ($500)

  • 2/12/2024

My case# is 14849697481

Attached is the screenshot of the email from BBA dated 2/18/2024:

1 reply
Tags:Advertising, Promotions
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Hi @Seller_tR8ZR8Qnue8AR,

Steve from Amazon here, thank you for reaching out. I see that Rose_Amazon is reviewing this situation and will be following up with you shortly on this thread. Please reference that thread for continued updates.

This thread is being closed as a duplicate thread.



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Have not received promised Advertising Credits

Hi Amazon Team! I hope your day is going well and thanks for your help!

I am having trouble receiving the Advertising Credits I was promised upon signing up for the BBA program and completing the required actions. I was hoping you could help me to get a resolution. I am currently up to over $2000 in ad spend and I am hoping to receive a reimbursement.

I will attach a screenshot of the email I received from the BBA.

Note: It says "Click credits will be disbursed within 2 weeks of the completion of qualifying action of BBA."

Here is what I've completed and the dates (as listed in the email from BBA):

Launches an ads campaign ($1,000)

  • 2/19/2024

Becomes advertising ready ($1,000)

  • 2/19/2024

Registers for FBA ($500)

  • 2/3/2024

Becomes brand registered ($500)

  • 2/12/2024

My case# is 14849697481

Attached is the screenshot of the email from BBA dated 2/18/2024:

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Tags:Advertising, Promotions
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Have not received promised Advertising Credits

Hi Amazon Team! I hope your day is going well and thanks for your help!

I am having trouble receiving the Advertising Credits I was promised upon signing up for the BBA program and completing the required actions. I was hoping you could help me to get a resolution. I am currently up to over $2000 in ad spend and I am hoping to receive a reimbursement.

I will attach a screenshot of the email I received from the BBA.

Note: It says "Click credits will be disbursed within 2 weeks of the completion of qualifying action of BBA."

Here is what I've completed and the dates (as listed in the email from BBA):

Launches an ads campaign ($1,000)

  • 2/19/2024

Becomes advertising ready ($1,000)

  • 2/19/2024

Registers for FBA ($500)

  • 2/3/2024

Becomes brand registered ($500)

  • 2/12/2024

My case# is 14849697481

Attached is the screenshot of the email from BBA dated 2/18/2024:

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Tags:Advertising, Promotions
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Have not received promised Advertising Credits

by Seller_tR8ZR8Qnue8AR

Hi Amazon Team! I hope your day is going well and thanks for your help!

I am having trouble receiving the Advertising Credits I was promised upon signing up for the BBA program and completing the required actions. I was hoping you could help me to get a resolution. I am currently up to over $2000 in ad spend and I am hoping to receive a reimbursement.

I will attach a screenshot of the email I received from the BBA.

Note: It says "Click credits will be disbursed within 2 weeks of the completion of qualifying action of BBA."

Here is what I've completed and the dates (as listed in the email from BBA):

Launches an ads campaign ($1,000)

  • 2/19/2024

Becomes advertising ready ($1,000)

  • 2/19/2024

Registers for FBA ($500)

  • 2/3/2024

Becomes brand registered ($500)

  • 2/12/2024

My case# is 14849697481

Attached is the screenshot of the email from BBA dated 2/18/2024:

Tags:Advertising, Promotions
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Hi @Seller_tR8ZR8Qnue8AR,

Steve from Amazon here, thank you for reaching out. I see that Rose_Amazon is reviewing this situation and will be following up with you shortly on this thread. Please reference that thread for continued updates.

This thread is being closed as a duplicate thread.



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Hi @Seller_tR8ZR8Qnue8AR,

Steve from Amazon here, thank you for reaching out. I see that Rose_Amazon is reviewing this situation and will be following up with you shortly on this thread. Please reference that thread for continued updates.

This thread is being closed as a duplicate thread.



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Hi @Seller_tR8ZR8Qnue8AR,

Steve from Amazon here, thank you for reaching out. I see that Rose_Amazon is reviewing this situation and will be following up with you shortly on this thread. Please reference that thread for continued updates.

This thread is being closed as a duplicate thread.



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