Read onlyThe new Compliance Reference tool is designed to help you navigate your compliance obligations and stay up-to-date on changing requirements.
This new tool offers:
For more information, go to the Compliance Reference Help page.
We're committed to improving your selling experience on Amazon, and welcome your feedback.
Let me be the first to say: hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
Most sellers don’t need QOL or UX improvements. Sellers need Amazon to raise their staff’s competence level a notch above “uninformed overconfidence”.
It seems to be broken, nothing comes up for anything I searched for here is a partial list of no results:
Nothing, nada, zilch
Whats this junk? An actually useful tool that Amazon created?? Give me something useless instead like you always do!
95% of the sellers will have no idea what this is for, if they even find it.
99.99% of C______ sellers still won’t care.
I don’t see any compliance listing or advice for food products in this new interface. Will it be updated with time to reflect all categories on the Amazon marketplace?
The problem with Product Complaince group is that when they find something, they refuse to simply identify what they found. I have listings for wood blocks among some of my product listings. Some of those wood block listings they cleared as not requiring Child Product Safety Documentation. Some others, they decide such listings are classified as a toy. So, I go through the listing carefully to ensure nothing about those craft blocks are regarded as a toy, or for ages under 12, and then resubmit, and they still require documentation. I ask them what they found, and they refuse to answer it. They go back to demanding documentation for Child Product Safety Testing. So, I ask them again what did they find? And again, they refuse to identify what they found. That is a frustration. It gives me the impression, sometimes, that Product Compliance is working with competitors so to interfere with those listings. Maybe they are not required to answer to what they found. I think they should be straightfoward and say ‘‘we found this or that’’, and then the listing can be edited and resubmitted and done.
Tried searching hazardous and dangerous with this tool and only “Amazon” popped up lol