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IP Complaint Withdrawal

by Seller_AKbh54W6OEIMU

We had an IP complaint which the rights owner has subsequently agreed to withdraw. They sent an email to along with all the relevant info. such as asin, complaint i.d , our seller name etc and copied us in… This was over a week ago, but the listing is still blocked and the warning still remains on our account. So a couple of days ago I forwarded this email on again to the same amazon email address, which is the one they requested the complaint withdrawal be sent to, and still nothing !

My question is, how long should this take for amazon to remove this warning from our account, and / or is there another step I can take to get this expedited? Thanks

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In reply to: Seller_AKbh54W6OEIMU's post

There could just be 1000+ in front of you, so it will take time. Don’t send a second request or follow up, because that will only move your request to the bottom of the pile. Hopefully, you send the proper documentation, or the rights owner contacted Amazon to remove the complaint. We have found with the REAL COMPLAINTS (not the fake ones) from the product owner, they do not know who you are by your Amazon Trade name.

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In reply to: Seller_AKbh54W6OEIMU's post

We also have this exact same issue. It has been weeks since our products has been suspended by Amazon. It’s just disappointing. A lot of sellers out there are using a lot of shady tactics to take advantage of various algorithms and fake reviews. We sell only through legitimate practices, and still we received a false “counterfeit” complaint from a competitor seller. Which is in of itself unfair because we are a trademarked and registered brand on Amazon and USPTO and still this happens. How can we counterfeit our own product and brand.

But still, the complainant sent a retraction letter, we sent a letter of explanation. And still, no answer.

My question is, would we know if the Dispute Team has ever read or even touched our appeal or retraction letter? What would be the indicator that the case/investigation is moving forward? Or if the appeal was rejected?

I mean, will we not receive anything?

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In reply to: Seller_AKbh54W6OEIMU's post

Exactly… however it does appear that Amazon (eventually) realised that this infringement complaint/notice was being badly hijacked by bad actors - yes unscrupulous sellers abusing the system to remove competing offers, along with what are essentially hacking operations such as millions of bot generated filings (Epic Games etc). Anyway, what’s less clear is how not reinstating even when you send them all the original invoices is going to help… maybe just the entire system is kind of on pause due to the recent increase in abusive filings. Sad times!

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