Amazon auto refunds order but says that I authorized it ; SAFE T claim denied
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Amazon auto refunds order but says that I authorized it ; SAFE T claim denied

I have reviewed other posts on this topic, but can’t seem to find the answer-

A buyer requested a refund on a textbook and Amazon auto refunded their order. However, the item has not been returned. It only says that UPS is waiting for the item..

however, when I put the order in on SAFE T Claims it says that my item is in eligible because Amazon did not auto authorize the refund when in fact they did. I’m not sure how to correct this so that we can move forward with our claim?

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Hello @Seller_0UfQe8SxumucR,

Thank you for utilizing the forums!

If you wish, please share the Order ID associated with this issue. I can take a look and determine how I can best assist you.



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