There have been numerous threads, on this topic, so I compiled a list, of things that can go wrong, during the registration process, leading to a Notice of Suspension, shortly after creating a new Amazon Seller Account.
#1 RULE:
Never use any information from a friend or relative. All information, documentation, must be yours and yours alone.
Note: To be eligible to sell on Amazon, you need to be resident in one of the following countries, have a valid phone number, and have an internationally chargeable credit card.
Countries accepted for seller registration
You must use a valid credit card, during registration.
Payoneer, is used ONLY, to send payments to you, from Amazon, for your sales. It cannot be used, for any other part of verification, except Deposit Methods.
All documents, submitted, MUST be identical, to all information, entered in your Amazon Seller Account, during registration.
Check for any differences in spelling or different numbers, between information entered, in your Amazon Seller Account and all the documents you submit:
You will be expected to provide, any or all, of the following documents:
Bank Statement:
The bank statement, must be from your personal bank account and again, must match all information, used during registration, in your Amazon Seller Account.
The statement must include, the Bank’s name, your name and address and dated within the past 90 days. You are permitted, to black out, the account number and the monetary values.
Very important, for International Sellers:
1. Identity documents must meet the following requirements:
Submit a scanned color copy of both sides of your government issued national ID and merge the images into one file.
Companies/Corporations need to submit a government issued national ID for the primary contact or beneficial owner. Do not submit a screenshot. Documents must be scanned and submitted as in an accepted file format: TIFF (Tagged Image File Format), JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group), GIF (Graphic Interchange Format) and PNG (Portable Network Graphics).
Copies must be legible.
Your identity document must be in one of the following languages: Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, or Spanish.
If it is not in one of the above languages, please provide a notarized translation, of your document, into one of the accepted languages.
The name on the national ID, must match the name on your registered Amazon account.
The national ID should not be expired.
Translated documents must show the seal, stamp or notarized statement, of the translator.
2. Additional documents submitted, must also, meet these requirements:
You may obfuscate account numbers or monetary values, but the rest of the document must be visible.
Your document must be in one of the following languages: Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, or Spanish.
If it is not in one of the above languages, please provide a notarized translation, of your document, into one of the accepted languages.
For Companies/Corporations, the name on the bank account statement, should match the legal entity name on your Amazon account.
For Individuals, the name on the bank account statement should match the name on the government issued national ID and your registered Amazon account.
The address on the bank account statement should match the address on your registered Amazon account. If you need to change the address on your Amazon account, follow the instructions here first, before submitting this application.
The bank account statement must have been issued within the past 90 days.
* Translated documents must show the seal, stamp or notarized statement, of the translator.
If you register to sell on Amazon com from a country outside of the United States, there are important steps you must take before you begin selling. The following steps ensure a great experience for you and for customers:
To be paid, you need to provide a bank account in a country supported by Amazon. Currently, we support bank accounts in Australia (AUD), Canada (CAD), Eurozone (EUR), Hong Kong (HKD), India (INR), New Zealand (NZD), United Kingdom (GBP) and United States (USD). The Eurozone includes the following countries: Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Spain.
You must accurately state the ‘shipping from’ country in your Amazon com seller profile for display to customers.
You will be responsible for assuring that you will meet the shipping expectations, for all orders, you receive.
Products must be listed in U.S. dollars.
All customer facing content and communications must be in American (U.S.) English.
You should understand, the laws that apply to you, as a seller, on our website and only list, sell, and export products that comply with those laws.
Please, read: important information for international sellers, for more details about your obligations as a seller on our website.
Amazon Currency Converter for Sellers - FAQ
Not directly related, but an additional “checklist”, when listing products, for the first time and avoiding suspensions, that may violate: Intellectual Property Infringements.
Please, also read: Best Practices in Product Authenticity and Quality, then test your knowledge, with the Product Quality - Appeal Quiz.
Please also see: New Seller Checklist.
If you need help, with a Suspension Notice or submitting a Plan of Action, open a NEW thread in the General Questions Forum.
Do not reply to another seller’s suspension thread (i.e.: do not hijack threads). Create your own thread, so as not to confuse other sellers, who read the thread and may offer to help.
Post the ORIGINAL Suspension Notice, you received, from Amazon, at the beginning of the thread.
Post YOUR reply to the notice, immediately after, your ORIGINAL Suspension Notice, if you have written one.
Do not create multiple threads for the same problem. Post in your original thread.
Be patient, be honest and understand, it can sometimes take up to 30 days, for Seller-Performance to respond to your Plan of Action.
Do not send duplicate emails to Seller-Performance. Each time you submit an appeal, it may be counted against, the number of times, you will be able to submit a revised appeal.
A Plan of Action (POA), requires these four elements:
Examples: Inauthentic, Selling Prohibited Items, Negative Feedback, Opening a New Account after Being Suspended, Rights Owner Notice Complaint, Selling Counterfeit Items, Duplicate Accounts, Late Shipment Rate, Used Item Sold As New, Not as Advertised/Wrong Item, etc…
If there are several reasons, in a single notice, address each individually, in a single appeal.
Example 1: We have DELETED all ASINs from our Amazon Inventory, that were, Inauthentic, Counterfeit, Prohibited, Used Item Sold As New, etc…
Example 2: We have corrected the Title, Images, Bullet Points, Description, Checked Our Inventory, for Not as Advertised/Wrong Item, etc…
Example 3: We have contacted the Rights Owner and they have agreed to withdraw the complaint, made against us and they have submitted the Notice of Withdrawal, directly to Amazon, etc…
Example 4: We have provided legitimate Invoices, from the manufactuer or rights Owner, etc…
Example: We will only purchase stock, directly from manufacturers or authorized distributors, who also permit us to sell on Amazon.
Example: We accept full responsibility for our error and fully understand “why” (Insert reason for suspension, complaint, etc…), Please consider reinstating our account and we will never make the same mistake in the future.
Your name
Your Amazon Seller Name
Your telephone number
Appeals need to be brief, honest and to the point. Use the above format, to help compile a POA, but please, do not send it in, until you post a draft of what you have written, back in into your thread, for review by some other sellers.
You will not be able to add any items on Amazon, until you are able to submit a successful appeal and have the suspension lifted.
There are different Amazon email addresses, for different types of suspensions.
The most common, is
Please do not private message other sellers, unless they have asked you, to provide additional information, you may not want to post publicly.
This is wonderful that you put this information up. So many threads on this issue. I hope others will find it and use it!
All the best,