Read onlyI want to report a seller who is selling my products on my listing page. They are on the buy box of my own brand registered product. Seeing as how I never gave this seller permission to sell my products or use my brand and I never sell my products in bulk. Shouldn't a drop shipper or any seller need permission from the brand/company to sell their products?
I want to make sure:
1) This seller is removed from my product listing
2) The products he sells are not being taken away from my inventory since the only inventory with my products on Amazon should be my own
I would first do a test buy from this seller and see if it is
A) your product
B) a counterfeit product of yours
Also open a case with brand registry.
Hello @Seller_r1rLk8AJZtRN8
I came here to echo what @Seller_ImP1urpxemf0A mentions above with the test buy!
If you do receive it and it is different, go ahead and report through Report a Violation in your Brand Registry portal. If it turns out that the seller does not send the order, you can report through Report Abuse as a selling violation!