Read onlyI'll just shout this out into the dark chasm of nothingness- who even comes to the "handmade" forums anymore? So at the end of February- they reclassified all of our products as just "handmade products" We have nothing else. No subcategories - no distinction of what our products are- not jewelry-not home goods- not clothing- not art- we are just all lumped together as "handmade products". Amazon knows in truth that we were going to suffer a loss of visibility- thus sales. Yet they continued to tell us that nothing was wrong and essentially there was nothing to do but wait. SO NOW- after I spent years of PAYING for ads ON AMAZON- 60k -which grew my organic keyword ranking- and making 100k-200k a year. I am supposed to just shrug my shoulders and say oh well. The ads I am running are GOING NOWHERE because my listings don't have the required data and categorization to place my items properly! I am so fed up with unprofessional acts of this marketplace. I just wish they would hold some accountability and some REAL ACTION to rectify this absolute MESS they have created.
My sales were UP, the first quarter of 2023. Then Amazon removed the searchability of handmade listings in July 2023. It's been downhill since then with no end in sight. Sales are down about 70% compared to prior years. I imagine that ad revenue and commissions from HAUL are off setting the 15% commissions lost in handmade. Less than 6 months to the 10 year anniversary of Handmade at Amazon. I wouldn't be surprised if it's the last.
@Seller_CVXS7OOEFPqdBSame! I got hit HARD last year in February with the reclassification changes. All of my handmade listings backend info was deleted completely. Seller support and a handmade account manager verified and documented this in my case file. Sales tanked overnight. Also well over a 6 figure business. Not anymore. Started seeing a decline in sales in 2023 with... the announcement of this project and the no returns policy for custom items at the same time. Double whammy!
It has been an absolute snowballing nightmare since! Handmade is a huge category with absolutely no subcategories now. You will never be found this way and it is even worse that they have buried all handmade listings in regular categories. Yay you get seen in handmade and regular categories. What they didn't want to go into detail explaining is that while you get to keep your feedback on your old handmade listings, your listing is essentially a brand new listing because you lost all ranking and have to rebuild it by spending absorbent amounts of money on ads. But... ads don't work either for obvious reasons.
My daughter strictly shops on her phone using the Amazon app and she told me there are no handmade items. She said you really have to spend time searching and even then you still do not get what you see on a computer.