Read onlySo, in the past, I didn't have to DOWNLOAD the labels to print them. They would come up all on one 'file' or web page or whatever it was and I could select to print all labels (and leave off the stupid 'receipt' thing -- who the heck needs that?) .
NOW, I MUST download the file to print it and each label is a separate file? Who thought this was a good idea?? Who is in charge of this stuff? Have they ever shipping anything in their lives?
Everyone on here says not to do that QZ tray thing, that it makes it worse.
Amazon keeps promoting this Veeqo third party thing to me -- has anyone tried that?
Hi @Seller_rKS40mXHfmhh6,
Dominic from Amazon here, happy to help!
QZ Tray is a third-party solution that enables One-Click printing. QZ Tray One-Click printing is now integrated with Amazon Buy Shipping. In addition to One-Click printing, this also solves print support for different formats and current state printing issues with Print Connect.
QZ Tray will allow you to:
Why do you need QZ Tray?
QZ Tray is a third-party solution that has been integrated with Amazon Buy Shipping. This means there are some aspects of QZ Tray that are not directly built and maintained by Amazon. However, we are committed to helping sellers have the best experience with all the tools we implement, so if you are having any trouble with QZ Tray, first refer to the troubleshooting and guidance section on this help page. If your issue continues, then open a Selling Partner Support ticket.
This help page has a ton of information on buying shipping in bulk: Buy Shipping in Bulk
Please let me know if you have any questions!
The old sytem worked just fine for me. The New system is HORRIBLE!! Now instead of bulk labels printing 20 at one time, in a mater of moments, now they print 1 at a time, taking about 20 times longer to print labels. Why do they ruin a good thing with an inferior thing?
I don't like that they automatically print without a seperate window, but that is a wash. I really don't like that I do not have those lables to go back to if I need to reprint a label. Far more disadvantages of this new system than the advantages of the old system!
I haven't seen any posts of sellers complaining about the old bulk shipping format. Again changing something that isn't broken.
This certainly has not enhanced my experience; I work and ship from my Chromebook, and QZ Tray is unavailable.
I now have to download, unzip and then print each label one at a time, which defeats the bulk shipping process. 🤦
That would be a wonderful option to have!
@Bryce_Amazon or @Dominic_Amazon, could you bring this to the Internal Team; perhaps it can be added as an additional option.