IP claim against my own brand from Amazon in Spanish.
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IP claim against my own brand from Amazon in Spanish.


I received an email from Amazon Services <donotreply@amazon.com> sent fromamazonses.com in Spanish saying I have a trademark violation. It was against my own brand. Here is the translated message. I see no violations on Account Health.

Dear seller:

We have temporarily disabled the listings that appear at the end of this email.

What is the reason?

We're taking this action because we suspect that this product listing infringes on the intellectual property of others. This product's detail page uses a protected trademark term from another copyright owner. We were unable to confirm that you are authorized to use this trademark on the product detail page. Unauthorized use of this trademark may cause confusion about the origin, sponsorship, or affiliation of the products. Infringement of a trademark violates Amazon's Intellectual Property Policy .

How to resolve listing violations?

To resolve the listing violation, click "Edit" next to each affected ASIN in the "Suspected Intellectual Property Infringements" section. The violation, along with the name of the brand that owns the trademark, can be found in the "Reason" column on the "Product Policy Compliance" page of your Account Status .

The listing violation will be automatically removed within 8 hours if you submit it to Amazon for review after editing it in any of the following ways:

1. Completely remove the trademarked term from the product detail page, OR

2. Change the brand name to accurately reflect the product and match the trademarked terms used on the product detail page, OR

3. Update the detail page to add compatibility terms before the trademark term if the product uses the trademark term to refer to another product, such as “Kindle e-reader charger,” “Kindle e-reader compatible charger,” and “Kindle e-reader charger.”

Note: There are legal requirements for using compatibility terms. You can find more information about this in Amazon's Intellectual Property Policy .

Were your listings removed by mistake?

If you believe this is an error, please send us an explanation through the Account Status page and follow the instructions provided. Include the following in your explanation:

1. A letter of authorization or license agreement demonstrating that you have permission from the copyright owner to create and list products that use the trademarked term in connection with your product. The documentation must meet the following criteria:

- The document includes the name and address of the copyright owner.

- The document explicitly authorizes you to create and list products with the rights holder's brand, under your own brand.

2. An explanation and any evidence or documentation demonstrating that the listings do not violate our intellectual property policies.

What happens if I don't resolve the policy violation?

The listing violation notice for this ASIN will remain on your Account Status page for 180 days. We encourage you to address this violation notice to ensure your account remains in good standing. If you do not take action to address these policy violations and incur additional violations, your Amazon seller account may be deactivated.

Check your account performance here or select "Account Status" from the home screen of the Amazon Seller App on your iOS or Android device. The "Account Status" page shows your account's performance against the policies and performance statistics required to sell on Amazon.

We are here to help you.

If you have any questions about this policy or your account, please contact Business Partner Support .

Kind regards,


We used a combination of automated means to identify this issue and make this decision.

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Tags:Account Health, Deactivated, Materially different products, Product authenticity, Seller Support
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Hello @Seller_W1tFzATWCqDHQ,

Thank you for posting your concerns with an intellectual property violation.

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To resolve the listing violation, click "Edit" next to each affected ASIN in the "Suspected Intellectual Property Infringements" section. The violation, along with the name of the brand that owns the trademark, can be found in the "Reason" column on the "Product Policy Compliance" page of your Account Status .
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As mentioned in the email, this appears to have been a suspected intellectual property concern, which are typically presented by amazon. This could be due to a number of different situations or attributes on your listing. Due to the nature of the situation I will need a bit more information and confirmation of your situation.

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We have temporarily disabled the listings that appear at the end of this email.
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I see no violations on Account Health.
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When you received your email, did it include the ASIN or other related information? As for the violation not being in the account health page, have you created a case to show proof of compliance or ownership of the concerns intellectual properties? If you can post any related cases and the ASIN I will be able to look further into the situation and also work with the appropriate teams if needed.

If you have not already done so, I would also advise on creating a case and sharing your proof of ownership. This information can be used to properly dispute the situation without the need to further impact the account health page or rating. Once I have more information I can provide more direct and specific support for your situation.

The forums community and I are here to support you. Please let us know how we can help you from this point forward.


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