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Update to the Fund Withholding Policy page

Effective October 9, 2024, we are updating the Fund Withholding Policy to complement recent changes we released to Section 2 of the Amazon Services Business Solutions Agreement to improve overall transparency around funds withholding. The main changes include the following:

  • Renaming the Funds Withholding policy to the "Funds Disbursement Eligibility policy."
  • Improving the transparency of our policy; including why Amazon maintains this policy, the steps sellers need to take in appealing for their disbursements, the steps Amazon takes when evaluating appeals; and examples of activities that may result in Amazon’s decision not to disburse in accordance with Section 2 of the Business Solutions Agreement. We have also reduced the time within which sellers may appeal for their disbursements from 90 days to 60 days from the date of deactivation.
  • Including a link to the Funds Disbursement Eligibility policy on the Program Policies page.

If you have questions, contact Selling Partner Support.

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Tags:News and Announcements
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Update to the Fund Withholding Policy page

Effective October 9, 2024, we are updating the Fund Withholding Policy to complement recent changes we released to Section 2 of the Amazon Services Business Solutions Agreement to improve overall transparency around funds withholding. The main changes include the following:

  • Renaming the Funds Withholding policy to the "Funds Disbursement Eligibility policy."
  • Improving the transparency of our policy; including why Amazon maintains this policy, the steps sellers need to take in appealing for their disbursements, the steps Amazon takes when evaluating appeals; and examples of activities that may result in Amazon’s decision not to disburse in accordance with Section 2 of the Business Solutions Agreement. We have also reduced the time within which sellers may appeal for their disbursements from 90 days to 60 days from the date of deactivation.
  • Including a link to the Funds Disbursement Eligibility policy on the Program Policies page.

If you have questions, contact Selling Partner Support.

Tags:News and Announcements
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In reply to: News_Amazon's post


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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Why is it that I only received email notice of this in Spanish?

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Wow, just wow.

There are no words anymore to say every time Amazon makes a "change" because you will do what you want anyway whether you follow your own policies or not.

Best of luck to all the US sellers and hope you continue to keep your head above water.

Shame on Amazon for continuing to sc@%w over the sellers.

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Ignoring thë fact that your policiës arën't worth thë papër thëy'rë wipëd on bëcausë you won't honor thëm ëxcëpt as it's convëniënt to you, how could wë possibly avoid this? :

"If we determine that your .... performance may result in returns, chargebacks, claims, disputes ... then we may in our sole discretion withhold any payments to you for as long as we determine"

Any ordër may rësult in a rëturn -- it clëarly says that in all your markëting: shop hërë bëcausë you can rëturn anything for any rëason. If buyërs want to dëfraud us, that can bë via rëturn, chargëback or claim/disputë ... and Amazon is clëarly good with that. This "improvëd transparëncy" simply says "at any momënt wë can takë all your monëy for any rëason for as long as wë likë." How is that a contract so much as a thrëat?

Sellers should note that this isn't just talking about undisbursed funds ... it can involve a credit card charge, a bank account cl*wback and collections. They can literally ruin your life and credit on a whim.

Thërë arë othër unavoidablë rëasons why Amazon can takë all your monëy (ë.g. a bot dëcidës you havë a countërfëit good and undërincëntivizëd support staff won't hëlp you; or "our controls idëntify that it might harm ... Amazon’s ... intërësts," which can bë just about anything, brokën or intëntional; or WTF is this: "In addition, wë may rëquirë that you pay othër amounts to sëcurë thë përformancë of your obligations" ... arë wë paying arbitrary lëgal and collëctions costs for somëthing that's alrëady a nightmarë, ëvën for spurious claims?).

Oncë your funds arë sëizëd and account closëd, you losë thë ability to intëract with Amazon, and your only rëcoursë is to go to court arbitration (bëcausë by sëlling hërë you arë losing your constitutional rights) against a mëgacorp with warëhousës full of lawyërs.

and also ...

Can you tell me when/where you posted "recent changes we released to Section 2" and how that meets these terms: "Amazon will providë noticë to you undër this Agrëëmënt by posting changës to Sëllër Cëntral or to thë applicablë Amazon Sërvicës sitë to which thë changës rëlatë (such as thë Dëvëlopër Sitë accëssiblë through your account), by sënding you an ëmail notification, or by similar mëans." AND "Wë will providë at lëast 15 days’ advancë noticë in accordancë with Sëction 18 for changës to thë Agrëëmënt". I sëë this changë nowhërë (but did not chëck thë Dëvëlopër Sitë ... can you rëally post an updatë thërë and lawfully ëxpëct sëllërs to bë awarë of that??). I sëë this nëws itëm about a pënding policy pagë updatë rëstatëd hërë:

but I do not see the preannounced change to Section 2, which is a big deal. Why bother to say you are updating the contract when you have violated the contract in the course of updating it, and are perfectly OK with that? Here's a page that deals ONLY with changes to the TOS, and it is silent on the topic ... how is failing to maintain that page "appropriate disclosure"? :

How can this bë currënt policy but not documëntëd alrëady? Why not makë thësë changës now, with an ëffëctivë datë in thë policiës, so wë can rëad thë darn changës? :

" Rënaming thë Funds Withholding policy to thë "Funds Disbursëmënt ëligibility policy." "

That linkëd pagë is clëarly titlëd "Funds withholding policy".

"Including a link to thë Funds Disbursëmënt ëligibility policy on thë Program Policiës pagë."

Thë words "funds" and "disbursëmënt" appëar nowhërë on that pagë.

[note: Diacriticals added to get around an insane bad word filter]

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

So does this mean you will remove ALL hijackers and bad actors that continue to burden the honest sellers with such fraudulent acts and mislead Amazon customers?

Let brand owners take control over their listings and help Amazon remove these a$$hats.

Take your resources and put them to good use by stopping them before allowing just anyone to create a selling account and steal from honest sellers and create havoc which makes us have to jump through hoops with Seller Support because they have no clue how to fix issues or they simply don't care, or both.

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Update to the Fund Withholding Policy page

Effective October 9, 2024, we are updating the Fund Withholding Policy to complement recent changes we released to Section 2 of the Amazon Services Business Solutions Agreement to improve overall transparency around funds withholding. The main changes include the following:

  • Renaming the Funds Withholding policy to the "Funds Disbursement Eligibility policy."
  • Improving the transparency of our policy; including why Amazon maintains this policy, the steps sellers need to take in appealing for their disbursements, the steps Amazon takes when evaluating appeals; and examples of activities that may result in Amazon’s decision not to disburse in accordance with Section 2 of the Business Solutions Agreement. We have also reduced the time within which sellers may appeal for their disbursements from 90 days to 60 days from the date of deactivation.
  • Including a link to the Funds Disbursement Eligibility policy on the Program Policies page.

If you have questions, contact Selling Partner Support.

8 replies
Tags:News and Announcements
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Update to the Fund Withholding Policy page

Effective October 9, 2024, we are updating the Fund Withholding Policy to complement recent changes we released to Section 2 of the Amazon Services Business Solutions Agreement to improve overall transparency around funds withholding. The main changes include the following:

  • Renaming the Funds Withholding policy to the "Funds Disbursement Eligibility policy."
  • Improving the transparency of our policy; including why Amazon maintains this policy, the steps sellers need to take in appealing for their disbursements, the steps Amazon takes when evaluating appeals; and examples of activities that may result in Amazon’s decision not to disburse in accordance with Section 2 of the Business Solutions Agreement. We have also reduced the time within which sellers may appeal for their disbursements from 90 days to 60 days from the date of deactivation.
  • Including a link to the Funds Disbursement Eligibility policy on the Program Policies page.

If you have questions, contact Selling Partner Support.

Tags:News and Announcements
8 replies
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Update to the Fund Withholding Policy page

by News_Amazon

Effective October 9, 2024, we are updating the Fund Withholding Policy to complement recent changes we released to Section 2 of the Amazon Services Business Solutions Agreement to improve overall transparency around funds withholding. The main changes include the following:

  • Renaming the Funds Withholding policy to the "Funds Disbursement Eligibility policy."
  • Improving the transparency of our policy; including why Amazon maintains this policy, the steps sellers need to take in appealing for their disbursements, the steps Amazon takes when evaluating appeals; and examples of activities that may result in Amazon’s decision not to disburse in accordance with Section 2 of the Business Solutions Agreement. We have also reduced the time within which sellers may appeal for their disbursements from 90 days to 60 days from the date of deactivation.
  • Including a link to the Funds Disbursement Eligibility policy on the Program Policies page.

If you have questions, contact Selling Partner Support.

Tags:News and Announcements
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In reply to: News_Amazon's post


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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Why is it that I only received email notice of this in Spanish?

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Wow, just wow.

There are no words anymore to say every time Amazon makes a "change" because you will do what you want anyway whether you follow your own policies or not.

Best of luck to all the US sellers and hope you continue to keep your head above water.

Shame on Amazon for continuing to sc@%w over the sellers.

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Ignoring thë fact that your policiës arën't worth thë papër thëy'rë wipëd on bëcausë you won't honor thëm ëxcëpt as it's convëniënt to you, how could wë possibly avoid this? :

"If we determine that your .... performance may result in returns, chargebacks, claims, disputes ... then we may in our sole discretion withhold any payments to you for as long as we determine"

Any ordër may rësult in a rëturn -- it clëarly says that in all your markëting: shop hërë bëcausë you can rëturn anything for any rëason. If buyërs want to dëfraud us, that can bë via rëturn, chargëback or claim/disputë ... and Amazon is clëarly good with that. This "improvëd transparëncy" simply says "at any momënt wë can takë all your monëy for any rëason for as long as wë likë." How is that a contract so much as a thrëat?

Sellers should note that this isn't just talking about undisbursed funds ... it can involve a credit card charge, a bank account cl*wback and collections. They can literally ruin your life and credit on a whim.

Thërë arë othër unavoidablë rëasons why Amazon can takë all your monëy (ë.g. a bot dëcidës you havë a countërfëit good and undërincëntivizëd support staff won't hëlp you; or "our controls idëntify that it might harm ... Amazon’s ... intërësts," which can bë just about anything, brokën or intëntional; or WTF is this: "In addition, wë may rëquirë that you pay othër amounts to sëcurë thë përformancë of your obligations" ... arë wë paying arbitrary lëgal and collëctions costs for somëthing that's alrëady a nightmarë, ëvën for spurious claims?).

Oncë your funds arë sëizëd and account closëd, you losë thë ability to intëract with Amazon, and your only rëcoursë is to go to court arbitration (bëcausë by sëlling hërë you arë losing your constitutional rights) against a mëgacorp with warëhousës full of lawyërs.

and also ...

Can you tell me when/where you posted "recent changes we released to Section 2" and how that meets these terms: "Amazon will providë noticë to you undër this Agrëëmënt by posting changës to Sëllër Cëntral or to thë applicablë Amazon Sërvicës sitë to which thë changës rëlatë (such as thë Dëvëlopër Sitë accëssiblë through your account), by sënding you an ëmail notification, or by similar mëans." AND "Wë will providë at lëast 15 days’ advancë noticë in accordancë with Sëction 18 for changës to thë Agrëëmënt". I sëë this changë nowhërë (but did not chëck thë Dëvëlopër Sitë ... can you rëally post an updatë thërë and lawfully ëxpëct sëllërs to bë awarë of that??). I sëë this nëws itëm about a pënding policy pagë updatë rëstatëd hërë:

but I do not see the preannounced change to Section 2, which is a big deal. Why bother to say you are updating the contract when you have violated the contract in the course of updating it, and are perfectly OK with that? Here's a page that deals ONLY with changes to the TOS, and it is silent on the topic ... how is failing to maintain that page "appropriate disclosure"? :

How can this bë currënt policy but not documëntëd alrëady? Why not makë thësë changës now, with an ëffëctivë datë in thë policiës, so wë can rëad thë darn changës? :

" Rënaming thë Funds Withholding policy to thë "Funds Disbursëmënt ëligibility policy." "

That linkëd pagë is clëarly titlëd "Funds withholding policy".

"Including a link to thë Funds Disbursëmënt ëligibility policy on thë Program Policiës pagë."

Thë words "funds" and "disbursëmënt" appëar nowhërë on that pagë.

[note: Diacriticals added to get around an insane bad word filter]

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

So does this mean you will remove ALL hijackers and bad actors that continue to burden the honest sellers with such fraudulent acts and mislead Amazon customers?

Let brand owners take control over their listings and help Amazon remove these a$$hats.

Take your resources and put them to good use by stopping them before allowing just anyone to create a selling account and steal from honest sellers and create havoc which makes us have to jump through hoops with Seller Support because they have no clue how to fix issues or they simply don't care, or both.

Follow this discussion to be notified of new activity
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In reply to: News_Amazon's post


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In reply to: News_Amazon's post


user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Why is it that I only received email notice of this in Spanish?

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Why is it that I only received email notice of this in Spanish?

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Wow, just wow.

There are no words anymore to say every time Amazon makes a "change" because you will do what you want anyway whether you follow your own policies or not.

Best of luck to all the US sellers and hope you continue to keep your head above water.

Shame on Amazon for continuing to sc@%w over the sellers.

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Wow, just wow.

There are no words anymore to say every time Amazon makes a "change" because you will do what you want anyway whether you follow your own policies or not.

Best of luck to all the US sellers and hope you continue to keep your head above water.

Shame on Amazon for continuing to sc@%w over the sellers.

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Ignoring thë fact that your policiës arën't worth thë papër thëy'rë wipëd on bëcausë you won't honor thëm ëxcëpt as it's convëniënt to you, how could wë possibly avoid this? :

"If we determine that your .... performance may result in returns, chargebacks, claims, disputes ... then we may in our sole discretion withhold any payments to you for as long as we determine"

Any ordër may rësult in a rëturn -- it clëarly says that in all your markëting: shop hërë bëcausë you can rëturn anything for any rëason. If buyërs want to dëfraud us, that can bë via rëturn, chargëback or claim/disputë ... and Amazon is clëarly good with that. This "improvëd transparëncy" simply says "at any momënt wë can takë all your monëy for any rëason for as long as wë likë." How is that a contract so much as a thrëat?

Sellers should note that this isn't just talking about undisbursed funds ... it can involve a credit card charge, a bank account cl*wback and collections. They can literally ruin your life and credit on a whim.

Thërë arë othër unavoidablë rëasons why Amazon can takë all your monëy (ë.g. a bot dëcidës you havë a countërfëit good and undërincëntivizëd support staff won't hëlp you; or "our controls idëntify that it might harm ... Amazon’s ... intërësts," which can bë just about anything, brokën or intëntional; or WTF is this: "In addition, wë may rëquirë that you pay othër amounts to sëcurë thë përformancë of your obligations" ... arë wë paying arbitrary lëgal and collëctions costs for somëthing that's alrëady a nightmarë, ëvën for spurious claims?).

Oncë your funds arë sëizëd and account closëd, you losë thë ability to intëract with Amazon, and your only rëcoursë is to go to court arbitration (bëcausë by sëlling hërë you arë losing your constitutional rights) against a mëgacorp with warëhousës full of lawyërs.

and also ...

Can you tell me when/where you posted "recent changes we released to Section 2" and how that meets these terms: "Amazon will providë noticë to you undër this Agrëëmënt by posting changës to Sëllër Cëntral or to thë applicablë Amazon Sërvicës sitë to which thë changës rëlatë (such as thë Dëvëlopër Sitë accëssiblë through your account), by sënding you an ëmail notification, or by similar mëans." AND "Wë will providë at lëast 15 days’ advancë noticë in accordancë with Sëction 18 for changës to thë Agrëëmënt". I sëë this changë nowhërë (but did not chëck thë Dëvëlopër Sitë ... can you rëally post an updatë thërë and lawfully ëxpëct sëllërs to bë awarë of that??). I sëë this nëws itëm about a pënding policy pagë updatë rëstatëd hërë:

but I do not see the preannounced change to Section 2, which is a big deal. Why bother to say you are updating the contract when you have violated the contract in the course of updating it, and are perfectly OK with that? Here's a page that deals ONLY with changes to the TOS, and it is silent on the topic ... how is failing to maintain that page "appropriate disclosure"? :

How can this bë currënt policy but not documëntëd alrëady? Why not makë thësë changës now, with an ëffëctivë datë in thë policiës, so wë can rëad thë darn changës? :

" Rënaming thë Funds Withholding policy to thë "Funds Disbursëmënt ëligibility policy." "

That linkëd pagë is clëarly titlëd "Funds withholding policy".

"Including a link to thë Funds Disbursëmënt ëligibility policy on thë Program Policiës pagë."

Thë words "funds" and "disbursëmënt" appëar nowhërë on that pagë.

[note: Diacriticals added to get around an insane bad word filter]

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Ignoring thë fact that your policiës arën't worth thë papër thëy'rë wipëd on bëcausë you won't honor thëm ëxcëpt as it's convëniënt to you, how could wë possibly avoid this? :

"If we determine that your .... performance may result in returns, chargebacks, claims, disputes ... then we may in our sole discretion withhold any payments to you for as long as we determine"

Any ordër may rësult in a rëturn -- it clëarly says that in all your markëting: shop hërë bëcausë you can rëturn anything for any rëason. If buyërs want to dëfraud us, that can bë via rëturn, chargëback or claim/disputë ... and Amazon is clëarly good with that. This "improvëd transparëncy" simply says "at any momënt wë can takë all your monëy for any rëason for as long as wë likë." How is that a contract so much as a thrëat?

Sellers should note that this isn't just talking about undisbursed funds ... it can involve a credit card charge, a bank account cl*wback and collections. They can literally ruin your life and credit on a whim.

Thërë arë othër unavoidablë rëasons why Amazon can takë all your monëy (ë.g. a bot dëcidës you havë a countërfëit good and undërincëntivizëd support staff won't hëlp you; or "our controls idëntify that it might harm ... Amazon’s ... intërësts," which can bë just about anything, brokën or intëntional; or WTF is this: "In addition, wë may rëquirë that you pay othër amounts to sëcurë thë përformancë of your obligations" ... arë wë paying arbitrary lëgal and collëctions costs for somëthing that's alrëady a nightmarë, ëvën for spurious claims?).

Oncë your funds arë sëizëd and account closëd, you losë thë ability to intëract with Amazon, and your only rëcoursë is to go to court arbitration (bëcausë by sëlling hërë you arë losing your constitutional rights) against a mëgacorp with warëhousës full of lawyërs.

and also ...

Can you tell me when/where you posted "recent changes we released to Section 2" and how that meets these terms: "Amazon will providë noticë to you undër this Agrëëmënt by posting changës to Sëllër Cëntral or to thë applicablë Amazon Sërvicës sitë to which thë changës rëlatë (such as thë Dëvëlopër Sitë accëssiblë through your account), by sënding you an ëmail notification, or by similar mëans." AND "Wë will providë at lëast 15 days’ advancë noticë in accordancë with Sëction 18 for changës to thë Agrëëmënt". I sëë this changë nowhërë (but did not chëck thë Dëvëlopër Sitë ... can you rëally post an updatë thërë and lawfully ëxpëct sëllërs to bë awarë of that??). I sëë this nëws itëm about a pënding policy pagë updatë rëstatëd hërë:

but I do not see the preannounced change to Section 2, which is a big deal. Why bother to say you are updating the contract when you have violated the contract in the course of updating it, and are perfectly OK with that? Here's a page that deals ONLY with changes to the TOS, and it is silent on the topic ... how is failing to maintain that page "appropriate disclosure"? :

How can this bë currënt policy but not documëntëd alrëady? Why not makë thësë changës now, with an ëffëctivë datë in thë policiës, so wë can rëad thë darn changës? :

" Rënaming thë Funds Withholding policy to thë "Funds Disbursëmënt ëligibility policy." "

That linkëd pagë is clëarly titlëd "Funds withholding policy".

"Including a link to thë Funds Disbursëmënt ëligibility policy on thë Program Policiës pagë."

Thë words "funds" and "disbursëmënt" appëar nowhërë on that pagë.

[note: Diacriticals added to get around an insane bad word filter]

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

So does this mean you will remove ALL hijackers and bad actors that continue to burden the honest sellers with such fraudulent acts and mislead Amazon customers?

Let brand owners take control over their listings and help Amazon remove these a$$hats.

Take your resources and put them to good use by stopping them before allowing just anyone to create a selling account and steal from honest sellers and create havoc which makes us have to jump through hoops with Seller Support because they have no clue how to fix issues or they simply don't care, or both.

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

So does this mean you will remove ALL hijackers and bad actors that continue to burden the honest sellers with such fraudulent acts and mislead Amazon customers?

Let brand owners take control over their listings and help Amazon remove these a$$hats.

Take your resources and put them to good use by stopping them before allowing just anyone to create a selling account and steal from honest sellers and create havoc which makes us have to jump through hoops with Seller Support because they have no clue how to fix issues or they simply don't care, or both.

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