I created removal order for my 41 units,amazon completed 16 of them and canceled 25 of them in 3 april.Since that day I created 34 removal order and Amazon canceled all 34 of them in same day.I created cases but everytime I received different answer ,in the last case the answer was the items location is not avaiable for removal .I answered all 41 units were in same warehouse (HOU6),how come that location were available for 16 but not for the rest 25 units removals. As an answer I received the photos of my products from warehouse and written '' Yoıur inventory is avaiable for removal ,please create another removal order'' I created another removal order and Amazon calceled that removal order too.
I know if Amazon begins to cancel your removal orders you never will be able to remove your inventory.I still have another 81 units in Amazon Warehouses since around 1.5 years.I gave up from them because they are about to expire but I want this 25 units inventory back before they wll expire
Can anyone help me about this situation
THE LAST CASE ID 15538564381
Thank you