Read onlyI had sent big summer shipment and was checked in by amazon on May 25 ,2024.
Until now no receiving status. This shipment has all summer products that can be sold only during june July and half august.
Anyone experiencing similar issue.
Just concerned if amazon receives after july then hardly i can sell all these items
If someone from amazon can find out at least about my shipment that would be great fba id =FBA17ZZ2NJHN
many thanks
Large shipments may take a few months to be checked in. If you needed them available for June it should have arrived much earlier than the end of May.
This is your answer
15 days is not long enough
Often FTL/LTL shipments are FC xferred as well which adds a few weeks.
When I said "checked in" i meant for the units to become avaiable.
Is it possible if you can find out more about my shipment FBA17ZZ2NJHN
many thanks
Greetings @Seller_ilp8WeKpc4Shi,
Have you seen any movement on this shipment since originally posting? Additionally, what is the date on which you can request an investigation?
- Bryce